Now What

Thank you so much everyone for all of your sweet comments. I was smiling the whole time I was reading these (laughing at some) and of course taking note of your Summer reads. I think I need to print this out for when I need a little spark in my day I can read them again. A big hug to all of you!

So now, what? What have I been doing this week? Well, the heat is still leaving me like mush here. Yesterday we were up to 107. My energy has been really low but I’ve been doing my yoga and just trying to take it easy with some good reads.

Remember I mentioned I was weeding the stacks recently? Thanks to that I’ve unearthed a lot of books that have been hidden from me for a while and so a bit out of mind. Isn’t it funny how many books we are excited about but sometimes they get to our shelves and stay there for a while? I guess we can never keep up given that shiny, new books are being published all the time but it’s nice to go back to those older books that at one point we were just thrilled to have added to our libraries.

womanwhopaintedreams.jpgAnyway, the first book I’m reading is The Woman Who Painted Her Dreams by Isla Dewar. I’ve read one of her books before and really liked her women characters. Young women who are trying to find their path in life. I know, sounds like chick lit right? Well maybe not serious literature but these women characters care more for following their dreams than finding a good pair of shoes.

In this book Madeline has grown up without a mom but that didn’t seem to affect her. Her entire world was her dad and when he dies she doesn’t know what to do. She wants to paint but can she? Her dad, the artist, isn’t there to guide her anymore. Missteps, acceptance and all await Madeline as she learns to trust her instincts. I can’t wait to see what happens next.

keystostreet.jpgMy other read is The Keys to the Street by Ruth Rendell. I don’t know if it’s because I know what to expect from a Rendell novel that from the very beginning while she describes the neighborhood of London Regent’s park I just know that no matter how beautiful the scene is, danger and menace await.

Several characters have been described, the good, the bad and the strange so how she will bring them all together is what is making it hard for me to put down this novel. The main character, Mary Jago, has recently separated from her lover and is housesitting. He still wants to stay in her life but Mary is more interested in finding the man who’s life she saved via a bone marrow donation. Oh Mary, I think you are being a bit naive my dear but let’s see what happens to you.

Anyway, that’s what I’ve been doing. And, now I’m off to the bookstore with my husband. I’ve got a gift card to use and as I’m still in a celebratory mood with my blog’s anniversary then this is the perfect time to use that right? Hope everyone has a great weekend and more book talk soon.

  1. June 27, 2009
  2. June 27, 2009
  3. June 27, 2009
  4. June 27, 2009
  5. June 27, 2009
  6. June 27, 2009
  7. June 28, 2009
  8. June 28, 2009
  9. June 28, 2009
  10. June 29, 2009
  11. June 29, 2009