I learned something new at Starbucks today. While waiting for a friend I saw a flash card display on one of their tables. I picked up the yellow card and learned a new word: Pococurante which means indifferent or apathetic.
I know Starbucks is promoting the movie Akeelah and the Bee and have seen stickers on the doors and at the registers but this is the first I’ve seen of the flash cards. I like them. I took one and it’s now become a bookmark.
Another new thing I found out today is this store. It’s a bookstore for zines! Remember how I was lamenting that I wasn’t near the Barnard Library to check out their zine catalog? Well, now I can shop for zines via Parcell Press which carries more than 2,000 zines. This is going to be fun.
I hope everyone has a fun weekend. I haven’t made any plans yet but I’m sure reading will be involved.