As I mentioned in my month in review post, I’m still in the middle of three books but I wanted a new book for my lunch break and so I couldn’t help but add a new one. I started The Forgotten Girls by Owen Laukkanen which seems like it’s going to be one that keeps me guessing.
Here’s a snapshot from my Goodreads profile which shows you what I’m currently reading.
I don’t update progress on Goodreads but I’ll tell you here instead.
So, I’m about half way through Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen. I love this book. So far Persuasion has been my favorite Austen novel but I don’t know, this one may make me change my mind.
The Apprentice by Tess Gerritsen is my gym audiobook and I’m close to finishing it. I don’t always listen to audiobooks when I’m at the gym so that’s why my progress has been slow. Well, that and that I haven’t been making it to the gym more than twice a week. Must improve that! But, I’ve really enjoyed this book and I liked that I’ve been able to keep up with it. I don’t always have the best experiences with audiobooks so I’m glad I found this one.
Finally, Upstream by Mary Oliver. I’m kind of embarrassed that I haven’t finished this book as it was my first book of the year but I don’t typically read essays so this is a bit of a stretch for me. Not to say that I haven’t found it interesting but I just gravitate towards fiction first. I’m hoping to finish this book by the end of the month.
So here’s how my reading is starting this month. Have you started a new book this month or are you still carrying over some from February?
SENSE AND SENSIBILITY is my favorite Austen book. I’m always starting something new, but that’s partly because I can’t read more than one book at a time. Well, I guess that’s not strictly true. I have one book going as audiobook and one in print. You’ll have to let us know how THE FORGOTTEN GIRLS goes. Interesting cover on that one.
My favorite Jane Austen is still Pride and Prejudice, but I enjoy them all. I may start more than one book at a time, but usually one book will pull me in and the others have to wait. I like essays, but I don’t read them the way I read fiction. I’ll read an essay or two, put the book down, and read a novel. I never feel compelled to rush to finish a book of essays.
Looks like your reading is off to a good start for the month. Hope it continues!
I’ve got new starts and carry overs! 🙂 I fear I will never be able to read Sense and Sensibility again without thinking about chickens.