Some new ARCs have arrived at Casa Bookgirl this week and I had to share with you my loot. Let me know if you’ve read these or have some of these on your radar.
- The Outside Boy by Jeanine Cummins. A poignant, unforgettable coming-of-age story that brings 1950s Ireland to vivid life. This sounds very good.
- The Osiris Ritual by George Mann. I admit the title didn’t grab me at first but when I read the description I liked it. A steampunk mystery adventure featuring immortality, artifacts, and intrepid sleuths Sir Maurice Newbury and Miss Veronica Hobbes. Doesn’t it sound fun?
- The Ark by Boyd Morrison. Again, this is a book which I may not have glanced at twice as the cover didn’t really pull me in (I know, that sounds so bad!) but it sounds like it could be a fun Summer thriller. The book promises a mix of archeology, biblical history, and lots of thrills.
- The Faculty Club by Danny Tobey. This debut thriller has hidden tunnels, ancient rituals, secret societies, and a lot of suspsense. I hope it’s a page-turner.
- Stay by Allie Larkin. Now for something a bit more emotional, this is about a young woman getting over a heartbreak and getting her life back on track.
Anyway, short post tonight because I forgot I have mystery book group next week and I still haven’t started my book. Plus, I just got a reminder that some of my library books are due soon and some can’t be renewed. Oh dear, must learn how to read faster.
I haven’t heard of any of these so I can’t wait to read your thoughts on them. Happy reading!
I haven’t heard of any of these either. Enjoy!
Ha! If you figure out how to read faster, please share your secrets!
Vasilly – Thanks! Now if I can just find a place for all of these ARCs on the shelf 🙂
vivienne – Most of these sound like good summer, beach type reads. well, I won’t be going to the beach but I’ll just have to pretend 🙂
sandy – I’m working on that and I’ll get back to you. haha.
I haven’t heard about any of these but they sound good!
I’ve been meaning to try a steampunk novel but can’t seem to squeeze anything in at the moment–so The Osiris Ritual sounds good and I look forward to hearing what you think of it! Enjoy your books!
I haven’t read any, but I like the sound of the first two a lot.
Kathleen – I hope I have some winners here! 🙂
Danielle – I have another Steampunk novel on my stacks that also sounds really fun. I can’t wait to see what this genre is about!
Nymeth – Me too! 🙂
I read The Osiris Ritual this year and it was fun if you like a kind of Victorian pastiche style (with robots and zeplins thrown in of course). It’s not the first in the series though so you might want to hunt down ‘The Affinity Bridge’ at the library.
Jodie – Oh goodness robots and zeplins. Now I know I’m going to be in for a wild ride! 🙂
Never heard of any of these. I will check them out. Happy reading to you!
Ooh, The Outside Boy sounds really good. Happy reading!
Oo! Those do sound good. Especially Osiris Ritual. It sounds different from my usual fare. I’ll have to look for the first in the series.