I’ve received some new books lately which I’ve been meaning to tell you about. Some happen to be e-galleys and while I do enjoy receiving these I admit sometimes they aren’t as easy to read. I’ve noticed that the formatting on these can sometimes be really off. Anyway here’s what’s arrived:
A Long Way from Verona by Jane Gardam. Jessica has always known that her destiny would be shaped by her refusal to conform, her compulsion to tell the absolute truth, and her dedication to observing the strange wartime world that surrounds her.
Good Kings Bad Kings by Susan Nussbaum. I was excited to get this one as I had added it to my list earlier this year. This book received the PEN/Bellwether Prize for Socially Engaged Fiction.
The Deliverance of Evil by Roberto Costantini. A debut crime novel set in Rome and featuring Commissario Michele Balistreri.
For my Kindle I have:
The Yellow Eyes of Crocodiles by Katherine Pancol. From the publisher: a caffeinated, wildly comic, assuredly irresistible novel that revolves around Joséphine and Iris, two sisters in a charmingly discordant Parisian family.
Perfect by Rachel Joyce. From the publisher: Byron Hemmings wakes to a morning that looks like any other: his school uniform draped over his wooden desk chair, his sister arguing over the breakfast cereal, the click of his mother’s heels as she crosses the kitchen. But when the three of them leave home, driving into a dense summer fog, the morning takes an unmistakable turn.
Don’t all of these sound good? Now comes the hard part, which one to start. Let me know if you’ve read any of these and what you recommend!
Good luck picking what you want to read! I haven’t read any of them so I can’t help much!
I’ve not read any of them, but I do have Gardam’s Old Filth on my shelves that a trusted bookseller convinced me to buy. I’m excited to hear about all of them.
They do look good! I think I would start with The Deliverance of Evil–I’m adding that to my own reading list! I think Jane Gardam is always good, too, and I hope to read more of her next year. I am always tempted by galleys that are ebooks, but I have been trying to resist requesting them as I don’t much like reading on an ereader and you are right–often the formatting is off and they can be hard to read, so then I don’t get them read and then feel really guilty about it! Have fun choosing–picking a new book is always exciting!
Haven’t read any of these, so await your reviews!
Yay for new books! They all sound good, but I admit my biggest interest is in The Yellow Eyes of Crocodiles. I just like the title. 🙂
Kailana – Thank you. I ended up choosing Good Kings Bad Kings and it’s great so far!
Sandy – I have that one too! I really need to read her books but for some reason she’s one of those authors that seem a bit intimidating! I have no idea why.
Danielle – That one looks like a great thriller and am kind of in the mood for something like that but it’s a chunkster! I think I’ll start it over my holiday break and maybe even join the chunkster challenge 🙂
jenclair – well, you know it will take me a while! haha…
Literary Feline – I’m with you, yay for new books. Isn’t that a great title? It sounds like a cute book too!
Those all look good. I like the sound and setting of The Deliverance of Evil especially. Happy reading!
Bookworm – That one does sound good right? Hopefully during my break I’ll get a chance to get to it. It’s a big book!