Mystery Book Group

Last night my Mystery Book group met to discuss The Last Policeman by Ben Winters. I thought this was a great book for discussion because not only did we talk about the mystery aspects (red herrings, setting, etc.) but what would we do if faced with knowing that an asteroid was coming straight to our planet in a few months.

Would we go bucket-list and forget about duties and just enjoy every minute of life we had left? Or would we continue with our daily work routines because that at least was something normal to hang on to and keep some sanity in a world that was going a bit crazy? I of course said I would go off traveling but then someone mentioned what if no planes were flying or ships sailing. Well, then I’d have a problem.

Anyway, we had a very lively discussion and I’ll try to write up more about the book in another post soon because if you haven’t read it, you gotta try it.

We also selected books for the next few months and we’ll be reading Ghost Medicine by Aimee and David Thurlo, The Gone Dead Train by Lisa Turner and Some Dead Genius by Lenny Kleinfeld. I haven’t read anything by these authors so I’m excited about these book choices.

Speaking of mysteries, did you see that the Ngaio Marsh Award Longlist is out? Have you read any of these? I have not but I’ll be adding some to my TBR list.

Ok, off to finish another mystery I have in progress that is due back at the library tomorrow. I see a fine in my future.

  1. February 19, 2015
  2. February 19, 2015
  3. February 19, 2015
  4. February 23, 2015
  5. February 23, 2015