Murder in Chelsea is the 15 installment of the Gaslight series by Victoria Thompson and for fans who’ve been following the adventures of midwife Sarah Brandt and police detective Frank Malloy, this will be the book you’ve all been waiting for.
The story begins when Sarah finds out that someone has been asking about Catherine, the little girl she’s been hoping to adopt. And, that someone is claiming to be Catherine’s mother. Sarah is sick with worry but wants to do the right thing and she’ll ask Malloy for his help. Of course this is a murder mystery so someone dies, there’s a murderer to be found and the truth must come out.
Part of the reason I was racing through to the end of this book was not so much the mystery but I wanted to know what was finally going to happen between Sarah and Malloy. The author has been promising that readers would be happy. The series spans two years in the characters’ lives so it’s not really that long but for readers who’ve eagerly read through 14 books, well, it’s been quite a wait. And, waiting that long of time I was expecting a bit more than just a few pages at the end. I won’t post any spoilers but if you read this series I’d love to hear if you thought the resolution worked well?
I also know this is a mystery not a romance but I just really like these characters. I don’t expect mysteries to have a romance element to them but if they do and if they are written so that it doesn’t feel tacked on then I am all for it.
How about you? Do you care if your mystery has some romance in it or do you just want the characters to stick with solving crimes?
Wow, 14 books is a lot to read through before you get a resolution to a relationship in a series of books! That said, I’m not sure what is happening between Maisie and James Crompton. Also I’ve read some of the Lydmouth books by Andrew Taylor and there is an interesting substory that is going on which I admit is part of the draw for me. So I guess I don’t mind at all if there is a bit of romance or domestic storylines going on along with the mystery.