Month in Review

How is it the end of January already? Although January always does feel like a very long month doesn’t it? I was doing so well with my reading coming into the new year but I think as I usually take a couple of days off around the holidays, I feel like I will always have that extra time and have big plans and then reality hits. Haha…

So even though it’s a long month, my reading has been very slow going. I’ve been quite busy with work but I’m also really carving out time for my crafty/creative practice. So that means that I am reading every day but maybe not as much.

That means that in January I only finished two books: The Librarianist by Patrick deWitt and The Lock Artist by Steve Hamilton. I really enjoyed The Lock Artist and my mystery book group for the most part gave it a thumbs up also.

I’m going in to February with three books and I still need to add a book for the Japanese Literature reading challenge. Maybe the month also calls for a bit of romance reading. We’ll see.

Anyway, I feel like I have so much more to share but I’m sitting here yawning and need to get to bed because I have back-to-back meetings tomorrow. I hope you all had a great reading month and let me know if you had any outstanding reads!

  1. February 1, 2024
  2. February 2, 2024
  3. February 2, 2024
  4. February 5, 2024