Month in Review

If you had asked me last week about my reading month, I would have said I’m skipping this wrap up because I’ve not finished any books! Luckily I was able to devote some time to my reads and finished up some books.

The books I read were: The Sunset Years of Agnes Sharp by Leonie Swann; translated by Amy Bojang, The Spite House by Johnny Compton and Recipes for Love & Murder by Sally Andrew.

All three were enjoyable reads and The Spite House was my first R.I.P. read. As usual I’m carrying over several reads.

While I haven’t been in a reading slump, I’ve just been finding it a bit hard to focus this month. I think it’s because usually the last months of the year are always busy at work so I have to focus on planning those. Plus, I have and some personal projects I want to work on and I have a crafty workshop coming up in October. Yay.

So any of you have plans to take action Banned Book Week? While I’m not currently reading any banned books, there are many on these lists that I have throughly enjoyed and can’t imagine someone not being able to have the opportunity to read.

Hope you have a great rest of the weekend! I’m hoping to catch up on some reading this Sunday.

  1. October 1, 2023
  2. October 3, 2023
  3. October 4, 2023
  4. October 4, 2023