It’s time to recap another month. All was well in February until snowpocalypse hit us on the 15th and it was rough but thank goodness that’s now a bad memory. Our garden is going to need some serious help in the next few weeks but in a way I’m going to look at it as an opportunity to make some changes and add more color.
As far as the reading goes, well I didn’t read a lot but I did read some very good books and I’m happy about that. I probably would have read more but again, the winter storm that came through and left us without electricity and water really messed up with my focus.
I finished The Houseguest & Other Stories by Amparo Davila, An American Marriage by Tayari Jones and We Run the Tides by Vendela Vida.
My favorite was The Houseguest & Other Stories which I reviewed in my previous post. I still owe you some reviews of the other books I read but I recommend them all. Some of these also count towards some of my various challenges. And, it goes without saying that I’m carrying several books into next month.
Looking forward to March, the Booker Prize long list should be announced so maybe I’ll read a book from the list. It’s also International Women’s History Month and while I mainly read books by women, this could be a good time to add a nonfiction read by/about a woman.
I hope you are all doing well and let’s have a blast reading lots of great books in March. Tell me about your plans.
My garden met unexpected challenges during that week of snow and ice. I’m waiting to see how severely the cold damaged some plants and what will eventually recover. No electricity or water during that winter storm is still almost unbelievable. I have friends who only got there water back yesterday. Truly a disastrous event for you and fellow Texans.
I still haven’t gotten back to reading We Run the Tides, but I think I was influenced by so much going on. I’ll be giving it another try soon.
Women’s History Month is an opportunity to choose a good biography of a woman, but there are so many to choose from!
I signed up for the readings of 3 one-act plays by Tennessee Williams at the Tennessee Williams Festival 2021 . I won’t be traveling to New Orleans, since it’s virtual.
I also signed up for the KAZUO ISHIGURO In Conversation with PICO IYER. Ishiguro has published Klara and the Sun. I will be receiving a copy of the book from Books, Inc from San Francisco, but I won’t be traveling there either, since the conversation is virtual also.
The ice storms somehow missed Atlanta, but I was worried about you and yours. I am glad to know that all is better.
February has certainly been a difficult month for Texas. I’m impressed you were able to read as much as you did! We Run the Tides was a my Shelf Subscription book last month and I really enjoyed it – a 4 star read. An American Marriage has been on my to read list for ages. Happy March!
I’m glad you survived the snow storm and hope you have nothing but beautiful weather from here on out. I wonder if the snow/ice will hurt the bluebonnets? Those don’t usually start popping up for another month or so, right? Maybe they’ll be ok. We Run the Tides is high on my list, but so are many others right now. Take care and have fun puttering in your garden. I plan to get outside today and do some pruning and raking. I think this is our 4th or 5th day without rain. Yay!!
As much as I hate gardening, I really should spruce ours up. More color in your garden sounds like a nice way to greet the spring. Hopefully the weather will continue to cooperate for you. I hope you have a wonderful March and read many great books.