And, speaking of another great character, last week I finished reading An Incomplete Revenge by Jacqueline Winspear. This is the fifth book in the Maisie Dobbs series which comes out soon.
Maisie has got to be one of my favorite sleuths. She’s intelligent and independent and the books always seem to be a wonderful window into what life must have been like after WWI.
When I was given the opportunity to review the ARC of An Incomplete Revenge I couldn’t pass it up. I admit the last book had left me a bit upset with some of Maisie’s actions but I still couldn’t wait to see what was going to happen next. This book reminds me of why I like her so much. You can read more of my thoughts on the book here.
I’d love to share my copy of the book so if you are a Maisie Dobbs fan, or are intrigued and want to meet her, just leave me a comment letting me know and I’ll pick a winner in a couple of days.
Aww, I love Maisie 🙂 I just finished the second book recently. Some of the almost-psychic aspects of her methods bug me a little, so I’m wondering how prominent they will be in books to come. And I don’t wanna peek at your review yet in case it reveals future series developments!
I’m definitely a Maisie Dobbs fan — count me in! I’m glad you enjoyed the book so much!
I’m a big fan of Maisie. I’m so jealous you got an ARC!
I love Maisie and I found her thanks to you. I am looking forward to this next book.
I still have not read Maisie Dobbs! I own the first two and plan to get to them soon. I think it’s especially a good time for me to start them because they take place in the same time period that I’ve been immersed in with the early Pulitzers for the Novel, except all American. This will be a nice way to help expand the time period and also to read outside my comfort zone as I don’t usually read mysteries.
I hope to someday meet Maisie. It sounds like a good series, with a heroine well worth getting to know. I enjoyed your review, by the way!
I love Maisie Dobbs and would love to read the latest book – lucky you to have an ARC! I’m certainly in for that draw!
Whoops – overexcited and clicked too soon – that last comment was from me!
I’ve never read any of the books in this series but have been tempted by them often. Please put my name in the hat. Thanks.
She sounds like a fun character. I haven’t read any Maisie books. So please put my name in the hat! I’d love a chance to win.
I love the Maisie Dobbs series – I was so excited to see your review. I went straight away and requested it at the library. Thanks so much. I love your blog! 🙂 Laura
Miss Cee – I promise no spoilers in my reviews! I actually do like the psychic kind of stuff but I don’t notice that as much with the later books so I’d say you should try giving those a try.
Dorothy W. – And, you’ve listened to some of the books right? She is just so cool.
Tricia – Yay, another fan. I know I was so excited when I got that.
Nichole – Really? That’s great. I’m so glad you like her too.
Camille – I always think that the Maisie Dobbs books are perfect for non-mystery readers as the mystery component is not in my mind what makes the books. There is so much character development and setting the scene that takes place. great stuff.
Literary Feline – Thanks. I hope you do give the series a try!
Litlove – Gotcha down for the drawing 🙂
Lisa – You bet!
aka Nik – I just think it’s so nice when a series only gets better. That makes me feel like the author really has a grasp on the character she’s created.
Laura – Thank you! I pretty much read them all back to back so this was the first one I had to wait for a while. Ugh, and now I have to wait another year I guess for the next adventure!
There are five in this series?!! My goodness, I’ve only read the first. And I thought there were only three. Guess I have a lot of catching up to do. 🙂
I do love Maisie, and I’m a bit behind. I think I’ve read only three, so I must catch up!
I’d love to win this one 🙂
I’m so glad I have 3 more of these (including this upcoming one) Maisie Dobbs books to enjoy. You have me intrigued about the 4th. Please throw my name into the hat for this one.
Meaning of Night is excellent reading. It’s a nice, thick book and I’m savoring every ounce of it.
I’m definitely a fan, and agree that the last book was a bit of a disappointment. I am not giving up, though and look forward to reading this new one. Sooner or later. 🙂
Les in NE – You gotta catch up! 🙂
Ravenous Reader – I’ve got you down for the drawing too!
Tara – You bet. And, when you get to the fourth we’ll have to discuss. I don’t know if it was me just nitpicking or that I read it so soon after the third. I wish I had waited a bit and spaced them out but I couldn’t wait 🙂
Brianna – Thanks for letting me know. I do have that one on my TBR list!
melanie – Don’t give up because this one is fantastic. It reminded me a lot of the first one for some reason. Just the tone of it I guess was more melancholy.
Me, too! Definitely a Maisie Dobbs fan!
I’m definitely a Maisie fan, too–have been waiting anxiously for the next one to come out. I don’t remember being disappointed in the fourth–I think the character in that time and her experiences have been fascinating.
Count me in, too, Iliana! I read the first four books in a streak last fall and loved them (see my series review at and am greatly looking forward to the new one. I’m going to read your review right now.
Jenclair – I thought you were a fan too 🙂
Judy – Well, I was only a little bit disappointed at one particular thing… Maisie’s personal relationships. But you are right, the character is just so fascinating.
Mindy – I’ve got you in the drawing as well and I’ll check your reviews. Even if I’ve read the books it’s still nice to revisit 🙂
I feel like the only person that hasn’t caught on to Maisie Dobbs (or Wilkie Collins for that matter.) I tried only once, but couldn’t get more than about 20 pages in. Maybe I should take her up once more.