Mailbox Surprise

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWho doesn’t love a good mail day right? I love ARCs, letters from friends, B&N and Amazon packages, and magazines but yesterday I was a bit surprised to receive the latest issue of Vogue magazine.

Vogue? At first I thought it was for a neighbor but no, it is addressed to me. I just wonder why I got it. I enjoy some fashion magazines (Allure & Marie Claire) but I don’t read them regularly and I definitely don’t subscribe to them.

You know why I don’t? Those dreaded perfume strips! Ugh. Due to my allergies I really don’t want strong scents in my home and half of the time those perfume strips are definitely strong. I did a quick flip of this issue and of course I saw three of those strips right away.

Anyway, I have no idea how I got this magazine. You know what I would have preferred instead of Vogue? A crafty magazine! Oh, I would have liked that. So what fun surprises have arrived in your mailbox lately?

  1. March 5, 2015
  2. March 5, 2015
  3. March 5, 2015
  4. March 5, 2015
  5. March 5, 2015
  6. March 10, 2015