Literary Berlin

welcome poster
I’m still trying to sort through all the fliers and papers I collected on my trip and I ran across another magazine I forgot I had bought, Exberliner, an English language city guide. What is special about the issue I bought is that it’s the literary issue with a focus on English-language bookstores in Berlin.

Why didn’t I have this before I went! Actually last year I did visit one of the bookstores mentioned in the article and now at least I am prepared for next year’s trip. Plus now I also know where to go for some poetry readings.

Anyway, I wanted to post some book reviews tonight but I got sidetracked when I couldn’t find a lot of my photos. Talk about freaking out because I thought I’d lost them forever. Luckily my husband was able to recover the memory card and now my photos are all saved. Big sigh of relief.

So instead of the book reviews I’ll give you a list of books that caught my attention and I wish I could have bought but that Euro was making things a bit expensive so these books remain on the wish list for now. If anyone has read any of these let me know what you think.

  1. September 27, 2007
  2. September 27, 2007
  3. September 27, 2007
  4. September 27, 2007
  5. September 27, 2007
  6. September 27, 2007
  7. September 27, 2007
  8. September 27, 2007
  9. September 28, 2007
  10. September 28, 2007
  11. September 28, 2007
  12. September 28, 2007
  13. September 28, 2007
  14. September 28, 2007