Bored at work or don’t have a book with you? Aside from catching up on blogs here are some interesting links.
How do you get a boy interested in reading? GuyReads has the answer. This web project promises to help guys find the coolest book. You can read more about the developer of this program in this article.
Are you in danger of being buried underneath your bookshelves? Instead of buying you could try book swapping. I love the idea but between the library and my weekly visits to bookstores and online book buying I think I’ve got enough to keep me busy for a long time.
Finally, I love to hear what you guys are reading all the time. How do you think my to be read list keeps growing? But in this article you can also find out what some authors are currently reading.
I’m busy finishing up Brick Lane by Monica Ali. I had to put this one on hold for a while to finish up some book group books but despite that it hasn’t lost it’s spark. What a great read it has been.