
Are you ready for the weekend? I know I am! It’s been a long week and I’m behind on so many things that I’m anxious to get started. So this is a short post but wanted to leave you with some fun links to check out:

For example, did you know that April 29 is Independent Bookstore Day? Isn’t that great? Go visit an indie bookstore in your area. I’m hoping to join in the Austin Bookstore Crawl.

Speaking of bookstores, have you visited the best bookstore in your area? See if your bookstore made it to the Best Bookstore in every state list. None in Austin but next time I’m in Dallas I’ll have to visit Serj Books.

If you can’t go to a bookstore this weekend but you want to see some bookstore employees having fun take a look at these bookstore employees.

Or if you want look at a book collection how about spending some time with the Smithsonian Libraries Artists’ Books Collection. Such beautiful books.

Finally, to all of you participating in Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon – have a blast!

Have a wonderful weekend you guys and more book talk soon!