I stopped by the library today to pick up a hold and added a few others to the book bag. Here’s what I got:
Run the Risk by Scott Frost. This is the January selection for my mystery book group.
Ten Poems to Change Your Life by Roger Housden. According to the book jacket these are poems to stir the human heart and soul.
Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic by Alison Bechdel. I’m trying to explore more graphic novels.
The Girls by Lori Lansens. This one caught my attention when I saw it at B&N one day so I was happy to find it.
As always, I’m not making any promises of getting the books read before they are due.
Also I’ve posted thoughts on two recent reads (the links take you to my reviews), Death of an Englishman and The Devil’s Feather. These were books I had looked forward to reading but which didn’t live up to my expectations.
Finally, I hope to have a list of my favorite reads of the year up tomorrow so check back.