I had to go to the library tonight to pick up a hold, and as I was there I picked up two other books. I’m showing a lot of restraint lately aren’t I? Here’s what I checked out:
My Father’s Notebook by Kader Abdolah. From Library Journal: No ordinary father-and-son tale, this beautiful and poetic work interweaves the stories of Aga Akbar, a deaf-mute carpet mender, and his son, Ishmael, with the political history of 20th-century Iran. This is the June selection for my foreign authors book group.
If Minds Had Toes by Lucy Eyre. From Kirkus Review: A teenaged boy is encouraged to start thinking big in this playful philosophy primer. Old thinkers never die-they just wind up in the World of Ideas, a sort of limbo where they’re free to while away the hours debating matters of morality and identity. I picked this one up because I couldn’t resist the title.
Sister Teresa by Barbara Mujica. From Kirkus Review: A lifelong friend remembers Teresa of Avila, “Spain’s most beloved saint,” in this richly entertaining historical novel. This seemed interesting.
I also picked up the latest copy of BookPage. Some books that immediately went on my TBR list are: The Ministry of Special Cases by Nathan Englander, The Nature of Monsters by Clare Clark, and The Last Enemy by Grace Brophy.
Now it’s time for me to go and spend some quality time with Don Quixote.
I finished one of my library books last night and picked up three more holds. Plus, I bought four used paperbacks and a journel yesterday. And, I came home to a book in the mailbox that I had forgotten about. Restraint? Competely gone out the window.
Did you really write this at 3:33 am????
Nancy – Ooh what did you get? I’ll be over at your blog to check that out. Nope, I wasn’t writing this at 3:33… My web host provider is a German company so they are 7 hours ahead. I do remember to adjust the date stamp so it reflects the day I blogged but I haven’t figured out how to adjust the time so then it gets a bit screwy π
I am glad you picked up My FatherΓ’β¬β’s Notebook — we went by the library last night and someone had beat me to it! I am off to HP Books tonight to turn in some of Michael’s books and meet up for photography post processing lesson. I will browse the shelves as well and maybe I will find it there! I am determined to read this for the book group…..
Have a great weekend….
I’ll have to check out the Mother Teresa book. Sounds interesting.
Christine – I can’t believe that. I swear it wasn’t me π Enjoy the weekend & your visit to HP. Let me know what you find.
Melissa – I may not get to read it in time before it’s due back – it’s kind of a big book but we’ll see.
If the Mind Had Toes – I want to read it. Wonderful title.
It’s okay not to have restraint at the library, IMHO. π I brought home a few, myself, yesterday – and I usually can’t find much of anything in my library! So, I’m kind of pleased. I’m curious about the Teresa book. Is that Saint Teresa?
Don Quixote?? *bows low* wow!!!
Now the Ministry of Special Cases looks interesting. Spotted a review on Book Reporter and it’s on my to be bought list. However with my trip looming ahead, I’m NOT (not) buying another book. I’m so looking forward to camping out at the B&N near my sister’s home. Hopefully, it’ll be on a very rainy day which would make it just perfect. Haha!!
Don Quixote is so cool that every time you read it you come up with something new!
BlueRectangle Books
I just brought The Nature of Monsters home with me from the library; ‘course I haven’t gotten to it yet. And it’s only a seven day book – drat! Hope you’re enjoying Don Quixote!
You always find such interesting books, Iliana, and ones I have never heard of! Must do some Don Quixote myself, too!
Booklogged – That is the best title isn’t it?
Nancy – Yes, it’s about Saint Teresa. I don’t know anything about her really but the book jacket made it sound very interesting.
Kisane – Well, already I’m way behind on my DQ reading as other books have cut in line π If your sister has a Half Price books nearby then you’ll also have to visit that store. They are awesome.
Heather – How many times have you read DQ? I am just hoping to get through it once π
Chelle – 7 Day book? I know some libraries do that, thank goodness mine doesn’t because I’d never finish a book on time. ha.
Litlove – My library is so good about getting a variety of books. Of course they have all the bestsellers but I really appreciate the lesser known ones. It gives the reader such an opportunity to perhaps discover a new favorite author. So how is your DQ reading going?
I want to read The Nature of Monsters, too! That one looks good enough to buy!! My quality time with DQ amounts to about two chapters a day, though I took today off. I think it is going to be slow going!