Tonight I’m starting Don Quixote and like I sometimes do, I am also choosing the perfect bookmark to go along with my book. What, you don’t do that? I am sure a lot of you do. Right? Not every book gets a special bookmark to go along with it but this is Don Quixote we are talking about.
The soft leather bookmark I’m using comes from Guanajuato, Mexico. I bought it when I was there on vacation years ago. I remember wanting to bring back as many souvenirs as possible from this gorgeous colonial city so the bookmark I bought has an image of a famous landmark. Now you are probably wondering what does Guanajuato have to do with Don Quixote?
Well, each year the city puts on the Festival Internacional Cervantino, a festival in honor of Miguel de Cervantes. Since it’s inception in 1972 the 19 day long festival honors the tradition of theater, arts, music, dance, and literature, and it has become an important cultural event. I haven’t made it back to Guanajuato since that trip but I have promised myself that one of these days I will go back, and maybe I’ll even make it the festival.
Here’s a picture of Guanajuato. Isn’t it beautiful?
Lovely photograph. Thank you for describing the festival, it sounds wonderful.
Oh that sounds like such fun! The festival I mean. And the city looks beautiful. I want to go to Mexico someday. Good luck with Don Quixote!
I’m not a big bookmark person, but if i had a cool one like that, I might change my mind!
I’m so glad that I’m not the only one who has something of a book mark fetish, Iliana. I have a large collection and the choice of which to use depends not only on the book, but also on my mood at the time. I often bring book marks back from places I’ve visited, but I don’t have anything as exotic as this sounds.
Wonderful photo. Good luck with Don Quixote! I hope you do have the opportunity to go back to Guanajuato one day. I remember you telling me how much you loved it… this the lovers balcony?
I’d love to choose a special bookmark for each book, but I discovered long ago that I’m hopeless when it comes to bookmarks. I lose them. Habitually. So, I’ve finally resorted to sticking some stickers on a piece of paper, laminating it, punching a hole and stringing some ribbon through it (just to be pretty), and using that. That way if I lose it, I’m not losing anything I’ll mourn.
I love the picture.
I love the picture. What a gorgeous spot! The festival sounds great, too. Okay, the problem I have with bookmarks is that I tend to lose them. So I don’t want to use the really great ones I’ve bought on vacation, so they sit in a drawer. Not such a great system, really, now that I think about it…hmmm…
Tara – Thanks. Unforunately I don’t have as many pictures from the vacation as I normally do. The photo processing place lost some of my rolls! Thank goodness for digital now 🙂
Heather – I highly recommend Guanajuato as a destination spot in Mexico. It’s full of history, art and it’s so lovely. Also close to another gorgeous city, San Miguel de Allende.
Dorothy W. – I should show a picture of the bookmark – it’s so nice.
Ann – Aha, I knew I could count on some other bookmark fans. There’s a fantastic website where you can exchange bookmarks with people from all over the world. I wrote about it a long time ago but I’ll have to dig in my archives to find the link 🙂
Christine – Thanks girl! No, this isn’t the “Kiss” alley. That one is a really narrow alleyway. So beautiful. Okay, I want to go back now!
Melissa – Well, I admit I do use post-its, receipts and scraps as bookmarks too but I’d rather have a nice one 🙂
Gentle Reader – Oh I hate losing bookmarks! Hopefully you haven’t lost any while the book was in progress 🙂
I’ve got lots and lots of bookmarks which usually means I always have just the right one for whatever book I’m about to start reading. And what a great photo!
Oooh, I’d love to walk down that street!
I used to use bookmarks, but either ended up losing them or leaving them in books and then forgetting which one, so now I just use whatever’s close at hand, as well as some business cards from a previous job. I do have a couple pretty bookmarks that I just prop up against my books and use as a little piece of decor, haha.
Oh wow, that is beautiful! How cool that you have the perfect bookmark. 😀 I try picking perfect bookmarks occasionally, but I usually end up using a sticky note or a receipt.
It is lovely and looks like Italy!
Wow, that is beautiful!
Stefanie – Thanks! I also have a box filled with bookmarks. Love ’em.
Lesley – So many of the streets in Guanajuato are just like this one. It’s gorgeous. Just wear comfy shoes if you ever go.
Andi – Yep, I use those too!
Maggie – Italy, now that’s a place high up on my wish list of places to visit!
Carl V. – Glad you liked the photo!