Happy Spring everyone! We’ve had a quiet weekend here at Casa Bookgirl. Got caught up on some chores, binge-watched season 2 of Bosch (really liked it!) and even made it to the gym.
As I was catching up on my blog reading I saw that it’s also time to join in for Once Upon A Time X – Carl V. is celebrating 10 years of hosting this wonderful challenge.
I think I have joined almost every year and I’m happy to join in again. I’ll take The Journey level which means I’m participating but not committing to any number of books. I simply have to read at least one book within one of the four categories during March 21st to June 21st period. I think I can do that.
I tend not to read a lot of books within the genres that make up the challenge: Fairy Tale, Folklore, Fantasy and Mythology. So I may need some help with suggestions. I know I have some books on my shelves that could fit in some of these but if you’ve read something great recently that you think would be good let me know. I’m taking notes!
How about you, are you participating in the challenge?
I’m still saving this season of Bosch! I know I’ll go through it too quickly. 🙂
Wish I’d saved my two reimagined fairy tales, but I wasn’t sure if this would happen again this year!
I’ve been wondering about Bosch–I have never read any of the books, though I would like to sometime. I always like reading the books first before seeing the adaptations but then if I keep putting off the watching, I’ll never get around to that either! It does look good. I will likely not join in the readalong since I always over-extend myself, but I might just see what I have on hand and read along in spirit…. 🙂
Happy spring! I won’t be participating in the challenge but the artwork on the badge is gorgeous as ever. Have fun! I look forward to your reading choices.
Good luck with the challenge! I had wanted to participate this year, but then I forgot completely about it and it crept up on me. I’m so bad about remembering these things. Ugh. It’s been ages since I last participated in the Once Upon a Time Challenge. I wish you luck! Have a Happy Spring!
Happy Spring! I’m signing up for the challenge, but I have no idea how much I’ll get read yet. Good luck and happy reading!
Have fun!! I am looking forward to seeing what everyone reads!
Have fun, Iliana! Can’t wait to see what you’ll be reading! 🙂
I don’t read much books from that genre either but I would love to. Maybe I should look around for recommendations and join this challenge. Can’t wait to see what you read.