I had a great weekend of reading and finished two books, which I promise to tell you about tomorrow. I need to collect my thoughts a bit. Of course this meant I should start a new book and I picked up my first selection for the Summer Mystery Reading Challenge.
I selected, The Spellman Files by Lisa Lutz. The book is supposed to be about a family of private investigators and the main character, Izzy Spellman, is described as a cross between Dirty Harry and Nancy Drew. That sounds highly promising doesn’t it? Well, there are some funny scenes but I’m halfway through the book and I still don’t really see the BIG mystery. Where are the dead bodies? Where are the clues? I don’t think it’ll take me much longer to finish the book so stay tuned for a review.
For those of you who are participating in the mystery challenge, or simply enjoy a good mystery, have you checked out ClueLass? Oh wow, it’s a great source for mystery news and if you check the BloodStained Bookshelf you’ll find a listing of all upcoming mystery releases.
How wonderful that you gots lots of reading in – what bliss. Looking forward to your reviews.
Oooh..Dirty Harry and Nancy Drew, I am intrigued!
I’ve heard good things about Spellman’s books. I have such a TBR pile, it’s insane. I have no idea when I’m going to get to everything I want to read!
Today, my books are featured on the Summer Mystery Reading Challenge. Think a cross between Stephanie Plum and Kinsey Milhone…
It was a productive weekend of reading here as well. I usually stay in on weekend these days. Too much fuss going on the streets with street fairs and drinking.
Sounds like a bit of a disappointing book – never heard of the author I’m afraid. Thanks for the link to Cluelass – I will definitely be checking that one out!
Tara – Let me tell you, Monday has been hard to deal with. I want my weekend back and all that reading time 🙂
Kelly – I know, it makes it sound good doesn’t it?
Karen Olson – Congrats on the award for your first book! I just read about it over at Liz’s blog. I loved the Stephanie Plum books so I’ll have to check yours out!
Matt Yau – My excuse for staying in a lot is that it’s just too freakin’ hot to do anything else 🙂
heidijane – It’s not a bad book it’s just not what I’m used to for mysteries that’s for sure so that can be a bit disappointing. I’ll let you know how it goes though!
I hate it when I love the concept and not the book. Thanks for the links.