You know I love magazines and these are some of the ones that have had my attention lately.
Art Journaling – Because I love to see the pictures to get inspired. I love the variety of styles and I really enjoy reading the background on what prompted the pages. Not to mention that there is always a tip or idea that I try to use. So far the one thing I’ve decided to try is spray ink. I’ve had quite a bit of trouble with spray inks but I think I need to try them again. I’ll keep you posted on that adventure!
Women’s Health magazine – I enjoy reading the quick articles on food and fitness. This issue has a couple of recipes we want to try out the first one of course being a healthier dessert alternative. My husband made the Nutty Strawberry Yogurt Bark. Not bad but I think it’d probably taste better with chocolate. Ha.
Better Homes & Gardens – Doesn’t this have the best cover? We received a subscription to this magazine for being members of the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. It’s fun to look through this magazine and dream of what I’d like to see in our home. I’m going to try to find the recipe for the sorbet on the cover because summer is here and this looks like a nice treat.
RT Book Reviews magazine – I probably need to subscribe to this one because I keep buying at the bookstore. I actually have three recent editions I’m working my way through and while I like to read most of the short reviews, I mainly read this one for the section on Mysteries. So stay tuned for an upcoming post on a bunch of mysteries I’ve recently added to my TBR list.
Ok, now it’s time to get back to my magazines. How about you, what magazines are you into lately?
I really don’t read magazines anymore. I used to subscribe to several, including RT Book Reviews. That one does a good job of short, pithy reviews. And that sorbet picture looks very tasty. 🙂
I love magazines, but they tend to pile up around the house until I’m sick or on break. Then I tend to spend a few hours lying in bed reading all the back issues that have piled up.
EW is really the only magazine I enjoy reading. But that subscription is ending this month and I am not renewing for now. I expect things will be busy for a while and it’s a good thing to have less distractions and be able to read more books.
I love Better Homes and Gardens! I usually don’t read a lot of magazines, but I’m hoping to move soon so I need all the decorating ideas I can get. House Beautiful is another good read. Have you tried Zinio, the free magazine app from your local library? I get all of my magazines that way.
I love magazines but I always buy a few at the supermarket–browse quickly with the intention of reading all the articles later and somehow never manage to do so–but so many of them are so pretty–the visuals are stunning. I get the New Yorker and love the weekly short story and I also get the New York Review of Books which I am very good at looking through but not as good at reading many of the articles–at least I can get access to the digital so I can recycle them and not let them stack up too much!