So I read that Amazon has named the Best Books of 2013 so far and I took a look at the list fully expecting not to have read any of the books, because I never seem to read the “it” books when they are all the rage, but was very happy when I saw that Eleanor & Park was #6 on the list – yay!
Anyway, today I wanted to tell you about my trip to the library to pick up two holds because you know it’s never going to be just about the holds but also the other finds! So my holds were Dead Scared by S.J. Bolton because I’ve really enjoyed her previous books and Midnight In Mexico by Alfredo Corchado because I recently saw him on Al Punto and want to read about his experience.
The books I found in the stacks that I had to borrow (not all pictured above) are:
- Love Anthony by Lisa Genova. I read her first novel, Still Alice, a couple of years ago and thought it was beautiful and frightening all at once. I’ve been looking forward to another of her books.
- There Was An Old Woman by Hallie Ephron. I think this title got on my radar via Mystery Scene Magazine. Hope it’s a good one.
- The Unfinished Work of Elizabeth D by Nichole Bernier. From the jacket: “Before there were blogs, there were journals. And in them we’d write as we really were, not as we wanted to appear. But there comes a day when journals outlive us. And with them, our secrets.” Oh I can’t wait to read this being that I’ve been a journaler almost all my life.
- Trains and Lovers by Alexander McCall Smith. I love trains and a good love story so I couldn’t resist.
- Good Kings and bad Kings by Susan Nussbaum. Hadn’t heard about this one but it won the Pen/Bellwether Prize for Socially Engaged Fiction.
I tried not to check out too many books because I think about all of my stacks (and wait until I tell you about the stack of ARCs I recently got) but it’s so hard not to grab library books isn’t it?Let me know if you’ve read any of these and what you thought.
I loved “The Unfinished Work of Elizabeth D”…search my blog if you want the review. Great women’s fiction, very thoughtful and a little twisty! I think I read it in like three days which is a record for me.
I read the first 3 on that list and really enjoyed them — hope you do as well Iliana.
Intrigued by the sound of The Unfinished Work of Elizabeth D!
Sandy – Oh so glad to hear you liked it! I’ll have to hunt down your review 🙂
Diane@BibliophilebytheSea – Yay, glad to hear that, Diane!
Stefanie – I just read a review of it over at Litlove’s. It does sound like a good read.
I want to read Eleanor & Park, it looks good. I also want to read Life After Life.
I haven’t read a single book on the Amazon list! I’d not even heard of a couple of them, so will have to read about them now. I have the new SJ Bolton, but with all the other books I have started I wonder if I will have to get back in line for it–her books do read pretty quickly though…