As I mentioned last time, part of my weekend plans included reading the latest issue of Pages Magazine. There were several interesting articles. One very timely for me, was on the demise of the Independent Booksellers, even in Boston! Hello, I’m going to Boston later this week, that’s not acceptable.
Oh well, it’s not as if I won’t find comfort in the local Borders and Barnes & Noble. But seriously, if anyone has a bookstore (new or used) that they recommend let me know and I’ll be sure to check it out.
The other article that caught my attention was on a new book by Anne Fadiman, Rereadings. She and several other writers explore the idea of revisiting favorite books and how the second readings compare to the first.
I’m not in the habit of rereading books. There are just too many others to discover but I have a couple that I have reread and with good results. I was reminded of my love for the book in the first place. I think I’ll add Ms. Fadiman’s book to my list.
Finally, have you heard of Tell Tales Press? It’s a clever store of greeting cards but not the Hallmark variety. These greeting cards feature original stories. Isn’t that great?
Tomorrow I’ll try to remember to let you know which books I’m looking forward to this Fall.