Thanks again to everyone who commented on my bloggiversary post. Now for the big moment, five of my beaded journals are going out to: Carrie K., Dana H., Litlove, Karen and Stefanie!
Of course I needed some bookish goodies for me as well to celebrate so when we stopped in at Barnes & Noble on Friday I used up my gift card to get two books.
The first one is Independent People by Halldor Laxness. From the back cover: Having spent eighteen years in humiliating servitude, Bjartur wants nothing more than to raise his flocks unbeholden to any man. But Bjartur’s spirited daughter wants to live unbeholden to him. What ensues is a battle of wills that is by turns harsh and touching, elemental in its emotional intensity and intimate in its homely detail. This novel secured for its author the 1955 Nobel Prize in Literature.
My other choice is the bestselling novel, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson. This is a combination of murder mystery, family saga, love story and financial intrigue. I’ve heard so much about this one from a lot of mystery blogs and magazines that I’m hoping to be in for a thrill.
Have you guys read these books? What did you think?
Alright, now I think we may go back to the bookstore this evening. My husband wants to look for one book he couldn’t find at B&N the other day and I never pass up a chance to go back to the bookstore so off we go.
I absolutely love your blog, design-wise, and review-wise. Hence, when I was given this award, I thought I should forward it on to you. Thanks very much.
You can pick it up here.
I haven’t read either of the books you mention, but The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo is one that is on my must read list. And now that you’ve brought Independent People to my attention, I will have to add that one to it as well.
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo is certainly on my TBR. I’ve heard nothing but great things about it. I look forward to your review.
I have also been looking at The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo so I will look forward to hearing what you say about it.
Congrats to the journal winners and best wishes for the next 5 years of blogging to you!
Congrats to the winners! 🙂
I haven’t read the books but I’ve The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo on my reading list! That reminds me I need to get the sequel too!
I hope you’ve a great weekend, Iliana!
I have read Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and really enjoyed it! It is long, and there are a couple of times when I suspect the translation isn’t as tight as it could be, but it was definitely a cracking read!
I haven’t read either books though both sound pretty good.Happy reading and shopping! =)
Thank you so much!
uncertainprinciples – Thank so much! How sweet 🙂
Literary Feline – Doesn’t Independent People sound good? Plus, as it’s set in a cold land I figure I can “escape” the heat that way 🙂
Mike B. – I know, everyone raves about it! The sequel will be out soon too.
Juliann – I’m looking forward to the next five years 🙂
Melody – Is the sequel out already? I haven’t seen it here. I know my husband already got his copy in German though and he can’t wait to read it.
Marg – Yay, I’ll have to dig back through your archives and look for your review once I finally read it so we can compare notes!
Vasilly – No shopping tonight but we still had a good time at the bookstore. Of course I added a bunch of new books to my wishlist. hee,hee.
Carrie K. – You are welcome. I hope you enjoy filling it up 🙂
Thank you! I’m so excited!
How exciting! Thank you so much, iliana – I am thrilled to bits to have won a journal! I have the Stieg Larsson on my shelves but haven’t read it yet – I’ll keep you company!
Like the other winners I am very excited to be getting one of your gorgeous journals – thank you so much! This is my first ever blogging win so I am also very excited about that!
As for the books – I have been meaning to read The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo for ages now but for some reason I just haven’t got around to it as yet – too many other books keep jumping in the way. I hope you enjoy it.
Oh thank you! My husband has read read Gril with the Dragon Tattoo and loved it. I have the Halldor Laxness book on my TBR pile for a few months now. I’ve heard good things, but you know there are so many books in line!
Congratulations to the lucky winners!
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is on my list, too. I’m really eager to read this one.
I read GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO last year. I found it quite compelling, although a little slow in places. It probably could’ve used a good edit, but since the author died before publication, I think they just let it stay as it was when he turned it in.
I do want to read the next one, GIRL WHO PLAYED WITH FIRE.
Hi all, what a treat to find so many new readers for Stieg Larsson. I’m the translator, and if you have any questions feel free to ask me. Karen, Stieg did live long enough to approve the editing of the first volume in Swedish, but died before the book was printed (Nov. 2004) — it came out the next year. While not “perfect,” the book is probably the best first novel I’ve ever read. And if you have any complaints about the translation, please take them up with the British editor, who changed a lot in my originally American translation. I’d be interested to hear what sort of things bothered you. Enjoy! –Reg
Congrats to all the winners of your lovely journals! Looks like you treated yourself to some goodies as well and hope you had a great weekend.
I’ve got the ARC of The Girl with the Dragon tattoo but haven’t got to reading it. The chance is you’ll finish it before I do and that I will be looking forward to your opinion. Currently I’m reading a classic mystery/detective story: The Moonstone. 🙂
Dana H. – Congrats. I’ve mailed it off today so hope you get it soon!
Litlove – Hopefully the mail won’t take too long to get to you. Hope you like it!
Karen – No way, really? Well, then I’m so very glad one of them went out to you!
Stefanie – My husband read it too and I remember at the time I was visiting my mom and he barely had time to talk to me on the phone. He wanted to get back to the book – the nerve! haha… I think I need to start it tonight.
jenclair – I’ve had it on my list forever but I was waiting patiently until it came out in paperback. And, of course the second one will be out soon.
Karen Olson – I remember you recommended it to me at one point. And, also the Gillian Flynn. You’ve read her latest right? That’s another one on my wish list.
Reg – Thank so you much for stopping in and letting us know about the translation. I’m quite a fan of the Scandinavian crime books that have been coming out in the past couple of years so I just had a quick look at your site to see which others you’ve translated. I’ve read one of the Karin Alvtegen books and really enjoyed it. I’ll have to check out more of your books to add to my list 🙂
Christine – We had a really nice weekend. I thought about you when we went to Precision Camera. I bought a great photo bag – it’s a KATA bag. So nice and doesn’t even look like a photo bag. I’m set for vacation!
Matt – Oh I must read a Wilkie Collins book. I’m actually hoping to get to one on vacation. I figure a nice, long plane ride is the perfect time for one of his tomes 🙂
🙂 I loved the “The girl with the dragon tatoo”. and i m actually wanting to buy the 2nd installment of the same!
i m hoping you like the book!
congrats to the winners!@
I haven’t heard much about either of these books. But, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo sounds intriguing.
I’ve read one Laxness novel (Iceland’s Bell) and thought it was very interesting — it’s very different from the kind of novel I’m used to. It was much more like older mythological literature than the contemporary novel I thought. I’m curious what you will think of Independent People!
I read the Girl with the Dragon Tatoo. You won’t be disappointed. I really liked it!
Veens – I’m at page 162 of it and am loving it!
Book Escape – So far it’s great so I’d say check it out!
Dorothy W. – I wonder if this one will be the same. I read a review somewhere that said this one also mixes something of the sages, etc. in the narrating. I’ve read quite a bit of Icelandic crime fiction but really don’t know much about the country’s literature so I’m looking forward to it.
Nancy – Yay, so glad to hear you liked it too. I’ve yet to hear from someone that didn’t like it!
Okay…these are the two books you referred to with cold settings! I have a Laxness novel, though not this one. Enjoy them both!