So has everyone heard about Isabel Allende’s latest book Zorro? You can find an audio review here or read about it here.
I used to be a big fan of Isabel Allende. I read Eva Luna, The House of Spirits and Of Love and Shadows. I liked her stories of fearless women and charismatic men. I found myself connected to her, undoubtedly because of our latin roots. Finally I was reading novels by a woman who wrote about crazy and loving latin families and wrote about them reverently yet without holding back.
Then all of a sudden my grand love for Isabel Allende was sort of put on hold. She started to write stories set in the U.S. but I still wanted to read about characters in Latin American countries. So over the years I would just think about reading her books but they weren’t at the top of my list any longer.
I can’t expect a writer to stay the same. Actually you would hope that the stories and characters change and the writer explore new territory. Now I feel like I’ve let a good friend go without a good reason and must revisit her again. So I’m adding Zorro to my list of books to read and hope to read it soon.