I’m borrowing this meme from Susan. I was just saying last month how I felt that my reading felt more inclusive but let’s see how well I’m doing with this meme first.
1. Name the last book by a female author that you’ve read. This is easy for me as I read a lot more books by women. Latest books I’ve finished are Sleepwalking in Daylight by Elizabeth Flock and Somebody Else’s Daughter by Elizabeth Brundage. Both were really good so stay tuned for a review.
2. Name the last book by an African or African-American author that you’ve read. It’s been a while but last Spring I read Half of a Yellow Sun by Nigerian Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.
3. Name one from a Latino/a author. This year I’ve read Portrait in Sepia by Isabel Allende and am dipping here and there into The Captain’s Verses by Pabulo Neruda.
4. How about one from an Asian country or Asian-American? Started off the year with Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto which is one of my favorite reads so far this year.
5. What about a GLBT writer? Thanks to the Slaves of Golconda I read Jeanette Winterson’s Sexing the Cherry in January.
6. Why not name an Israeli/Arab/Turk/Persian writer, if you’re feeling lucky? Last month I read Honeymoon in Tehran by Azadeh Moaveni.
7. Any other “marginalized” authors you’ve read lately? I can’t really think of anyone that would fit this question.
So actually not too shabby right? Let’s hope the rest of the year I continue to add books from various genres and from all across the globe. How about you, how diverse is your reading?
You’re doing very well being a diverse reader! I forgot to mention on my revised reading list, but I’m going to read Half of a Yellow Sun too! 🙂
Great meme and I enjoyed reading your answers, Iliana. I’m not familiar with some of the titles but I’m always happy to learn more about them! 😉
Much better than me (it has been years since I read a book by a Latino/a author). It reminds me that although I read diversely when it comes to subject matter I need to step it up when it comes to authors.
I haven’t dared do this because Africa and Asia are not continents I’ve ever read much in. You did very well, iliana, not shabby at all!
I like this meme! I think Isabele Allende is wonderful, and you have reminded me I want to read more of her. I have Kitchen on my radar. Knowing is was one of your favorite reads of the year gives me a boost to try and find it!
I’m so intrigued by the title alone of Sexing the Cherry and really want to read that. And that Kitchen book, and – sigh, so many books.
Matthew – Oh I hope you love Half of a Yellow Sun. I thought it was excellent and it was one of those stories that stayed with me for a long while.
Melody – I was kind of surprised my reading was as diverse. Especially because a lot of times I feel like I’m stuck in one century or one genre. Some of these are really good so hope you’ll check ’em out 🙂
Jodie – I used to read a lot more by latino/a authors but in the past few years I guess I’ve been trying to read more from across the world.
Litlove – Africa is one I don’t really read much from now Asia on the other hand I think I went through a phase when I read quite a bit more from that part of the world. It’s a good way to travel 🙂
Sandy – She is great isn’t she? Although I’m beginning to think I like her earlier novels much better. The last two I’ve read have been some of her more recent ones and I was a bit letdown but I’ll still keep looking for her books!
Care – That was a wild book. I’m glad I read it, I’m glad I’ve read something by Winterson but I won’t be rushing to read anything else by her anytime soon.
I just realized read mostly books by women lol. Good meme!!!
It looks like you’re doing really well in terms of the diversity of your reading! I’ll have to have a go at this meme and see how I go – I’m thinking not quite as well as you…
Interesting! I think my reading is diverse…but unintentionally…just becuase I like a lot of different writers/settings/genres, etc. Question to ponder, then –should diverse reading be intentionally diverse? 🙂
Interesting meme, nice questions!
Gosh, I have to get to Half of a Yellow Sun as soon as I’m through with Olive Kittredge! 🙂
Not too shabby at all!! Looks like you’re very well read!
I enjoyed reading your responses to this meme, Iliana. I can’t wait to read your review of Sleepwalking in Daylight.
I like your answers. The one answer I’m lacking for this meme is Asian American. I’m going to have to read something soon.
Ladytink_534 – I don’t do it consciously but it never fails, at the end of the year I always read more by women. Isn’t that weird? 🙂
Karen – I’d love to see your answers so I hope you play! 🙂
Tiffany – Ha, good question. Sometimes I really try to get out of my comfort zone and sometimes I just have to thank my book groups and challenges for getting me out the comfort zone 🙂
bookworm – It was cool to play this one!
Matthew – Oh I want to read Olive Kittredge.. Granted I’ve been saying that since the book came out! 🙂
Staci – I just hope the rest of the year my reading continues to be diverse but sometimes I do go through phases when all I want are my comfort reads – like mysteries 🙂
Literary Feline – I just posted my review. I really enjoyed the book. Have you read it? Highly recommend it!
Vasilly – I’m actually a bit surprised by the results but it’s kind of neat to take stock of the reading you know.
You did quite well actually! 🙂 I read Kitchen some years ago (probably too many to count now!). I do want to read Half a Yellow Sun and I wouldn’t mind reading Honeymoon in Tehran, too. I need to diversify still–there’s time though–we’ve not yet hit the halfway mark (thank heavens!).
You’re doing really well in terms of reading a variety of authors of different nationalities. For me, female and Asian is no problem but some of the other categories…hmmm, although I do have some lined up to hopefully read in the coming months.
I will have to ponder my answers to these questions for a bit.
danielle – You’ve got plenty of time! Watch now I’ll just read mysteries from now until the end of the year – haha…
tanabata – it’s kind of fun to think of reading this way isn’t it? Sort of gets you out of the comfort zone!
Serena – Oh I’d love to see your answers for this meme!
You did really well! I was saying over at Danielle’s site that I’m grateful to my book groups for getting me to read more diverse authors. I’m embarrassed by how few I read on my own. I must try to do better!
You did very well! Like I was telling Joanna, I will have to borrow this meme.
I like the meme – it’s a challenge in itself. Well done! I know I couldn’t fill it in. I like Tiffany’s question: What is a diverse reader anyway? Cos I have taken the challenge this year to expand my horizons, but not just internationally. I also like that title “sexing the cherry” – will look up your review..
You’ve given me a good list of books to check out. I’ve read Allende before and like her writing a lot.