Here we are at the end of February and I feel like the reading stack I started the month with has not really changed. Granted some other books have been added and moved off but it seems pretty constant to me.
I don’t mind if a book takes me a while to finish but when it goes on for longer than a month I don’t feel as motivated to finish it. Do you ever feel that way?
So here are my current reads:
- Mansfield Park by Jane Austen. Seriously guys, I am enjoying this book but for whatever reason others book jump to the front of the line. Still stuck on page 50 or so.
- A Week in Winter by Maeve Binchy. This is an easy read. Maybe that’s why I’m making progress with it. A wide cast of characters who’ll find themselves spending a week in winter in a beautiful hotel in Ireland. I wouldn’t mind spending a week in Ireland myself.
- The Yellow Eyes of Crocodiles by Katherine Pancol. I have this one on my Kindle and I’m still stuck at 6%.
So hopefully this week I should be able to read a bit in these and at least make some progress. I’m trying not to add any new books to the pile so I can focus on these.
Love Mansfield Park, but I know exactly what you mean! I’ve been stuck on one for ages that I’m so ready to finish but just have trouble pushing through.
I feel the same way about my February stack of books! But February for me has been a very long and tiresome month so I am beginning to suspect it is not the books but the blasted weather that is making me feel so very blah about most things. I can hardly wait for March!
I hope you make progress on your books, Iliana. I hate being stuck too–I felt that way with Winter’s Tale for the longest time. Admittedly, it was a long book, but still . . . I had been reading at a pretty good rate before then.
I feel the same way, my book stack seems to sit and stare back at me lately.
Enjoy Mansfield Park!
Tiffany – I really am enjoying MP but it’s one of those books I wish I could just sit and read for hours you know!
Stefanie – I can’t wait for Mach either and I shouldn’t even complain since our weather is not nearly as intense as yours 🙂 I am just ready to be outdoors with a good book 🙂
Literary Feline – I’m just realizing MP is one I’ve been reading since January. Oh gosh, let’s hope I make some progress soon! ha.ha
Bookworm – Maybe we all need a good vacation so we can read through some of our books right! 🙂