A couple of weeks ago I felt like I was just zooming through books but all of a sudden I feel like my reading is going at a snail’s pace, but I’m reading some good books so that’s what counts.
I wanted to share with you what books are currently vying for my attention.
First, The Toss of a Lemon by Padma Viswanathan which I got from the BookBrowse First Impressions program. This book is big (probably why I feel like I’m not getting much reading done!) but it’s interesting. The story spans the lifetime of a Brahmin woman (1896 – 1962). Sivakami is married at 10 and widowed at 18. Her widowhood requires that she wear widow’s whites, shave her head and touch no one from dawn to dusk.
It’s a fascinating story and I can’t help but wonder what else I will read the further I get into this. I’m at page 150 or so and already Sivakami is a widow so what happens in the rest of the 500+ pages? Look forward to finding out.
The other book I’m reading is Farewell Navigator by Leni Zumas. This came to me via Open City Books which is a literary journal I’ve just discovered. According to one of the blurbs on the back of the book, they refer to the stories as filled with characters on the brink of survival and hope. I’ve only read two of the stories but I like what I’m reading so far.
I’m itching to add another book to these current reads and will probably do so. How much you wanna bet it’ll be a mystery?
Anyway, speaking of BookBrowse, I know The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson is a book that’s getting a lot of attention this summer, and currently BookBrowse is offering a copy for one lucky person so check it out.
On the topic of giveaways, I just saw that Melody is also having a giveaway and it’s for an audio book by an author who I’ve seen a lot of you mention so you won’t want to miss that. Good stuff.
I am experiencing a “readers block” how to break that ? any posts you have ? tips ? ideas ?
thanks 🙂
I want to read The Toss of a Lemon! The premise is great so I’ll definitely check this out. I can’t wait to read your review on it. 🙂 I’ve also read a lot of good reviews on The Gargoyle so this will go to my wishlist as well.
And thank you so much for mentioning my audio book giveaway!:D
Oooh.. The Gargoyle caught my eye too. Haven’t been to Borders in an AGE!! Nor have I bought any books in 2 months! Can you believe that? What with work and my rather scary TBR pile, I’ve promised myself to not buy any books till I’ve read at least 5 more from my pile. Uh… kinda tough that. 😛
dinu – For reader’s block the only thing that works for me is reading something other than my normal books. I try to read more magazines and after a while then I only want to go back to books – hope that helps 🙂
Melody – It’s really engaging and you don’t notice how long it is until your hand starts to fall asleep a bit 🙂
Kisane – So good to see you around. I figure you’d been super busy. I know what you mean, whenever I try to put a limit on my bookspending I tend to go overboard 🙂
I always feel like I’m moving at a snail’s pace, too! I’m waiting for the Viswanathan book at the library. I’m afraid it’s too long and I won’t get to it or get in read the three weeks I’ll be able to check it out. You’ll have to let us know what you think when you get to the end.
I’ve also been looking forward to The Toss of a Lemon and The Gargoyle.
My reading is like that too.. zip zip, slooooow, zip zip, sloooooow
Some very interesting reads and thanks for the tips on the giveaways.
Danielle – Oh I think you will have to get that book, it’s a chunkster 🙂 I’m glad I have it because I know I wouldn’t have it read in time before it was due.
Lisamm – Isn’t that funny about our reading cycles? I think too it’s because we have so many books waiting for us that we think we are going at a snail’s pace 🙂
Christine – Good luck with those giveaways!
I’m looking forward to more of your thoughts of Toss of a Lemon – I’m really interested in that one.
I’ve read several comments relating to Toss of a Lemon. It does sound interesting!
I feel I’m reading at snail’s pace when I’m tackling a book of daunting size, like Anna Karenina. But I have set my heart to read Middlemarch before the end of the year. Meanwhile, I’m making headway through Jane Austen. 🙂
Tara – I promise to keep everyone posted 🙂
jenclair – I know, that one seems to be popping up in a lot of places right.
Matt – You can do it! I’m very impressed with your reading of A.K. Look at you going through all those classics 🙂
will try that 🙂