I’ve been reading some very good books this weekend, so let me share a bit about them with you.
First up is Capote in Kansas by Kim Powers. I’m almost done with this book and good thing too as I’m very excited I get to be a part of the author’s blog tour that starts this week. This is a ghost story of Truman Capote, Harper Lee and the murdered Kansas farm family. So far I can say I’m captivated by this blending of fact and fiction of these two who were once great friends. Here’s a snippet I really liked — can’t you just imagine the two?:
“It was up in that tree, in the backyard of the old Lee house, that she and Truman had first become writers. Each of them provided an essential ingredient (besides imagination and loneliness): Nelle, a beat-up old Underwood typewriter that her father had donated to the cause, and Truman, a waterlogged Webster’s dictionary that he carried everywhere, practically bowed down by its weight.”
My next book which I just started is Ruth Hall by Fanny Fern which is the Slaves of Golconda next book for discussion. My copy happens to be a used copy and there are a few markings throughout and while I typically hate to see writing in books I have to agree with the “WOW!” that is inscribed after this paragraph in which Ruth’s mother-in-law gives her some advice on reading:
“I hope,’ continued the old lady, ‘that you don’t read novels and such trash. I have a very select little library, when you feel inclined to read, consisting of a treatise on The Complaints of Women an excellent sermon on Predestination, by our old minister, Dr. Diggs and Seven Reasons why John Rogers, the martyr, must have had ten children instead of nine; any time that you stand in need of rational reading come to me; and the old lady, smoothing a wrinkle in her black silk apron, took a dignified leave.”
How would you like that woman for your mother-in-law? So I echo the “Wow” and am grateful for my mother-in-law who gives me bookstore gift certificates for birthday gifts and such.
I also started The Almost Archer Sisters by Lisa Gabriele. Still too early to tell but so far one sister has really gotten on my nerves. Let’s hope this story of two sisters is as heartfelt and moving as the back cover promises it to be.
Finally, as I wanted something a bit different in pace I decided to start Beautiful Lies by Lisa Unger. Touted as an intense thriller, I have to admit the opening chapter was very good but then the next couple of chapters felt like whole new stories. I think though it’s finally starting to come together so I’m very interested to see what happens next.
Alright so I’m off to keep on reading. Thanks again you guys for entering the Tudormania giveaway — I will announce a winner Tuesday and even better, I’ve got a couple of other giveaways coming up in the next week so stay tuned!
Capote in Kansas sounds fantastic! I’ll be on the lookout for it, for sure.
Hope you like your read of Beautiful Lies, I read it awhile back and really enjoyed it. I was totally drawn in by the “what if” idea.
Nice reading list! I was wondering in case I missed it but did you review Halloween Party by A.C.? I had thought you’d finished it but I don’t see it in your review section so I wasn’t sure if you’d got around to it yet or if I’d just missed it (the last being the most likely). Also, I’m giving away some books – check my posts for September – and am making the draws tomorrow for announcement on October 1st.
Nice how I didn’t sign in so that anon is giving away books. Yeah, I’m sure that’s helpful!
Isn’t Capote in Kansas great?! I love it (even more than I thought I would). The writing has a flavor that actually reminds me of Lee and Capote somehow. I can’t wait until I can dive back into it later today.
sounds like a great book to have for a blog tour. I can’t wait to see what comes up.
You sound like you are having a great time reading.
That mom-in-law – guess nothing that Ruth does is good enough for the old lady, even reading.
I am glad that you are a host tour! Congrats.
I’ve really enjoyed all of Lisa Unger’s books, but you kind of have to suspend any sense of disbelief. I’m curious to know what you think when you’re done!
Joanne – Just finished Capote in Kansas and it was great! I’ll have more on that on Wednesday when I host the blog tour. Hopefully I’ll make more headway into Lisa Unger’s book!
Heather T. – I did finish it but as usual am just so behind on my reviews! I enjoyed it although so far I can’t say it’s my favorite Christie… That’d be the Murder of Roger Ackroyd 🙂 Thanks for the heads up on the giveaway. I haven’t done my blog hopping today but will be sure to stop by 🙂
Andi – I will look forward to your review of it. I was a bit hesitant at first but man, I was really blown away by how well the characters were drawn. It was such an emotional rollercoaster!
Serena – I think it’ll be fabulous because so many people are familiar with the authors and their works so it’ll be interesting to see how the tour hosts approach the books and what they gleaned from them.
Isabel – I get the feeling poor Ruth is not going to be a happy camper 😉
S. Krishna – Ha,ha… I was thinking that when I started reading it. It’s entertaining now that I’m more into the story!
Capote in Kansas strikes me more as a story of the friendship between the two, who would never accept anything as an accident. They think a murder or conspiracy would be more thrilled. I have mixed feelings about the book and I don’t know if I’ll revise the review before it’s due up on TLC.
I’m spreading good karma to start off the work week. Someone pats me on the shoulder on an award. Now I have to pass on the love. I have given you an award. 🙂
Matt – Yes, this to me was definitely the story of a friendship. I really loved this book but I guess I’m thinking of some friendships that seemed to be destined to be forever and then all of a sudden you find that you never talk to the person any more. What happened? You know. I’m so looking forward to your review. I’m sure it’ll give me a lot to think about! And, thank you for the award – you are a sweetie! 🙂
I’m also reading Capote in Kansas right now and finding it pretty…eccentric. Will be interested to see what the other tour hosts think (I am also one of them!).
Tara – I just saw that on the TLC book page. Yay – I am really looking forward to your thoughts on it!
I can’t wait to hear what you’ll think of Beautiful Lies, Iliana! I thought the opening lines are great too. 😉