My reading seems to be going very slowly lately but I am in the middle of some good books so I won’t complain.
First off to those of you who warned me about Heart-Shaped Box by Joe Hill – you weren’t kidding. This book is so creepy! I am at chapter 19 and it’s interesting because part of me wants to race to the end to figure out what will happen but at the same time, I’m a bit scared to find out what will happen! So far this is great.
My other read is Love Walked In by Marisa de los Santos. This story is charming. I thought it was going to be just a chick lit story but it’s a lot more than that. And, I already have Belong to Me, the sequel waiting on my nightstand.
Finally Dreaming in Cuban by Cristina Garcia is another read I’ve started but because the other books have really pulled me in, I’m still not very far into this story.
So all very good reads but wouldn’t you know it, today I got an email notice from my library that The Cruelest Month by Louise Penny is waiting for me to pick up. This is the third book in the Three Pines series by Penny. I’ve really enjoyed the first two books so I want to go pick this up ASAP. Maybe I’ll hold off until Thursday.
I’m off to pack my book bag for bookbinding class tomorrow.
I really enjoyed reading Loved Walked In, that’s one moving story! I’ll have to check out Belong To Me and Heart-Shaped Box. 🙂
Melody – I remember your review of Loved Walked In! 🙂 Heart-Shaped Box is so freakin’ good… Just don’t read it at night! ha,ha..
I need to go pick up a copy of love walked in. I’m going to steer clear of heart shaped box… I’ve started reading in the evenings and while I was reading A Quiet Belief in Angels I dreamt I killed someone and chopped them up into little pieces! Very scary! I started reading that book at lunch times after that *lol*
I thought that the first half of Heart-Shaped Box was scarier than the second. It’s not that creepy things don’t keep on happening, but towards the end it becomes more…human? More about the characters are their emotions than the supernatural per se. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the rest of it and I can’t wait to read your final thoughts!
Don’t forget your camera this week!
I have Still Life by Louise Penny in my “Soon” pile, in other words in the pile of 20+ books stacked at eye level by the computer to mock me! So one of these days…
I need to get going on the Garcia book very soon!
Lesley from Lesley’s Book Nook recently reviewed both Love Walked In and Belong to Me and if I’m not mistaked really enjoyed them. I think I’ll try that Heart Shaped Box for Carl’s RIP challenge this fall.
My husband read Heart shaped Box when it first came out and loved it. He enjoys horror and it even creeped him out. Therefore, it is a book I can never read otherwise I will never be able to sleep again.
Sounds like tons of good reading going on over your way! I want to read Heart Shaped Box. I have no clue what its about but I’ve heard good things (creepy things) about it.
P.S. I think it’s so cool that you do bookbinding. 😉
“Love Walked in” sounds so good. I think I’m going to have to add it to my TBR list.
Yay for the creeptaculous Heart-Shaped Box!!! It lost some of the creepy for me once the ghost really got going, but the first half, whew! Couldn’t read it at night.
I’m not sure I’m up for a scary book. Maybe??
How do you read so many books at one time? I had trouble reading one and listening to one on my MP3 player without getting confused.
Mrs S – Wow, that is a nightmare you had! In that case do stay away from Heart-Shaped Box 🙂 But, Love Walked In is very cute. Go with that one!
Nymeth – Really? Ok, good to hear.. I mean, I don’t mind creepy at all but it’s good to be prepared 🙂
tanabata – I took it with me! Granted I only took one pic but at least I did better than last time – ha,ha…
Dorothy W. – I picked it back up again last night and am finding it a fast read. I hope you’ll like it!
Stephanie – She did! After I read her review of Belong To Me I knew I wanted to read it but I also have a thing about reading books in order so I picked this one first. I get the feeling I won’t be disappointed!
Mrs. B. – Heart-Shaped Box is so creepy! It’s a ghost story so far… Don’t know what else might happen. And, thank you I do love doing bookbinding 🙂
aka_nik – I think this can easily be one of those good comfort books. So even though I’m only half way I’d already recommend it.
Andi – Yep, those first scenes where Jude first sees the ghost are scary!!
Nicole – You definitely have to be in the mood for this one. And, if you frighten easily then do not read this at night! I can only juggle books that are quite different — for example, I hate to read two mysteries at once. I’m liable to mess up the clues – ha,ha…
Lot’s of good reads going on there! hmmm, heart-shaped box is really starting to sound like a must read! =)
I just barely started the Garcia book. I swear I read it ages ago, but so far nothing feels very familiar. Can I be that forgetful?
Christine – Ok, you made it through Come Closer are you sure you want to read this one? ha,ha.. It is good so check it out but leave the lights on!
Danielle – Oh no… If it’s any consolation that has happened to me with books that I’ve re-read even three times! I’m thinking, how bad is my memory?! 🙂
I had a similar experience with “Love Walked In.” I embarked on it with low expectations and quickly found myself utterly charmed by it. I didn’t know there was a sequel though. I will definitely have to track down a copy.
They all sound so good, Iliana. Joe Hill is in Los Angeles for the Festival of Books this weekend and I’ll get to hear him speak tomorrow. Congratulations on snagging a LibraryThing book!
I agree with Nymeth — the second half of Heart Shaped Box isn’t nearly as scary as the first half. I really got creeped out by the radio broadcasts! Eeek!
And, I’m glad you’re enjoying Love Walked In. It seems to be quite popular this spring.