So what new books am I reading after finishing two this weekend?
I am half way through Queen of the Underworld by Gail Godwin. I got and advance reader’s copy of this book, and it’s been a very engaging read. The story is about a young woman in 1950s Miami who is trying to make her way in the world as a newspaper reporter. I had several of Godwin’s books on my TBR list so I’m excited to finally be reading one of them. If the rest of the story is as good as the beginning I know I’ll be looking for more of her novels.
My other book is Comfort Woman by Nora Okja Keller. This is the story of Akiko, a Korean refugee of World War II, and Beccah, her daughter, and it’s this month’s selection for the Reading Matters book group. I’m not sure how I feel about this book yet. Some passages are just gut-wrenching but I’m finding it a bit tough to stay involved in the parts that deal with the trances the mother goes into. We’ll see how the rest of the story goes.
And, because I can’t stay away from a mystery, I’ve also started Deadman’s Switch by Barbara Seranella. Thank you to Estella’s Revenge for this advance copy. I had heard much about Seranella’s Munch Mancini series so she was another writer on my TBR list.
Oh and in case you were wondering if I did order any books last night, I haven’t yet but I think I may select some books from Pennyworth or BookCloseOuts this time around. I’ll keep you posted.
I was just wondering if you received Deadman’s Switch yet! I hope you enjoy it. 🙂
I just picked up a hardcover edition of Crimson Petal and hope to read it this year. But, as you said, challenges do get in the way. THe other chunksters on my list have been do more shelf time then this rockie so fair is fair.
To bad about you not joinng the challenge but hell! its good that you know yourself and your capabilities. Thats what counts. And you can always do it on your own informally…
Enjoy reading
Run… don’t walk… and get yourself a copy of Joan Didion’s “The Year of Magical Thinking.” Just a little suggestion! 🙂
Andi – Thank you again for sending it to me!
Nessie – Crimson is one for my Chunkster Challenge. That’s true, maybe that way I could actually finish it 🙂
JCR – You won’t believe this but I’ve had that book sitting on my shelves for a while now. I do want to read it it’s just that I feel like I have to be in the right frame of mind 🙂 Thank you for the suggestion though. I will get to it.
I really am looking forward to getting back the mystery I started reading! I’m not sure yet if I am going to read Comfort Women. I was sort of hoping the geisha book would be selected, but I tend to vote for the book that doesn’t get chosen! 🙂 Of course that’s okay, it is still nice reading books I wouldn’t have otherwise. Have fun shopping online!
I’ve wondered about The Queen of the Underworld, so I’m glad to hear you’re liking it so far – I’ll be watching for your review.