That’s been me pretty much for the past few days. Isn’t it yucky having a cold? I’m so ready for this to be over as it put a serious cramp in my weekend plans. I didn’t get to see Fannie Flagg after all as I was feeling tired and of course didn’t want to spread germs.
So I just stayed in and rested and drank tea. I did finish a very good YA book, Keep Sweet by Michele Dominguez Greene. Stayed tuned for the review and a giveaway!
I also had my first DNF book of the year. Goodness, I hope this year won’t be as bad as last year. I was very excited to read The Fabric of Night by Christoph Peters but ultimately found it difficult to get into because of the narration style. There are two narrators, one is is very clear and to the point but the other narration is first person and reads more like random snapshots of events seen. I don’t know if it just required more concentration than I had given my cold but after 100 or so pages I had to quit.
Normally I don’t keep track of my DNF books for end of the year stats but I think I need to start doing so. Now that’s one number I hope doesn’t go up very high.
Off to continue to rest. Hope you had a great weekend!
Hope you are well soon. I have been fighting something since before Christmas – got a little better just to have it come back. What I want is to curl up in bed with a cup of tea and a book – hmmmm, not a bad idea!
I am reading The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet Nest and it is a page turner.
Feel better!
I have many books that I have left in limbo when I hit a wall with them. This year I will read to 100 and after that just let go completely. Those limbo books rarely get read.
Sorry to hear you aren’t feeling well. I hope you feel better soon!
I hope you feel better soon, Iliana!
I hope you feel better soon. That’s really very sweet and conscientious of you to stay home. It’s amazing how many people just go out and spread their germs, just because they so desperately want to do something. We had a cougher in front of us at Riverdance, yesterday. I thought she needed to go home and quarantine herself.
I’m having trouble getting into much of anything, right now, although I did enjoy a couple of hours of reading The Mental Floss History of the United States. It’s taking me forever, but it’s a fun book. Do you keep track of your DNFs? I’ve never done so, but I’m considering doing that, this year, just for the fun of it.
Hope you feel better soon!!
Oh No, hope u feel better soon.
BTW…thank you for taking the time to send your well wishes for my SIL; I appreciate that!
Get well soon!
Hope you feel better soon, Iliana!
Feel better soon! That is awful when you dont feel well!
I hope your cold goes away shortly!
Sorry you haven’t been feeling well Iliana! I hope you are on the mend and healthy again soon! Too bad about the DNF book. It is always such a disappointment and then to have looked so forward to reading it makes it even more of a bummer.
Hope you feel better soonx
Aw, I hope you feel better soon!
Feel better! Sorry bout that DNF…it happens!
Hey you guys – thank you so much for the good health wishes. I’m feeling better and should be back to normal soon! You all are too sweet 🙂
I hope you feel better and completely get rid of that awful cold.
I hope you’re feeling MUCH better now. Being sick is just a drag. 🙂
I hope you’re feeling better, Iliana!
Thank you guys! I’m still can’t quite shake it off but I’m getting there 🙂
I hope you feel better soon!
As far as DNF books – I’ve thought of keeping track, but then what actually qualifies as a DNF? Just the ones you know you’ll never read or would you also count the ones that for whatever reason, slip by the wayside? Those unintentional, maybe-not-forever DNFs?