I was in the library. I was looking for Jane Eyre and found almost a whole shelf of copies. It was the collection of a fanatic: There were cheap, modern copies, with no secondhand value; editions that came up so rarely on the market it would be hard to put a price to them; copies that fell at every point between these two extremes.
Excerpt from The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield.
Does anyone have a collection like that? If so what book do you have to have many copies of? As much as I love buying books I’ve never really given much thought to owning several editions of one book.
Anyway, today was a great day for reading. I definitely made more headway into The Thirteenth Tale, which is also a great choice for my third book of the R.I.P. Challenge. I also finished The Black Book by Ian Rankin and Little Women by Louisa May Alcott.