I was just one book away from finishing the Once Upon a Time Challenge. Darn. Anyway, a big thank you to Carl V. for giving us bookworms a great challenge, and the best part for me was delving into a new genre. Now after this challenge I think I’ll have to check out the sci-fi bookshelves in the library or bookstore as I really enjoyed the books I read by Octavia Butler, Connie Willis and Jim Butcher and would like to read more of their books.
Moving on to another challenge, I still haven’t started a book for the Southern Reading Challenge but I think I’ll have to do that soon. The two mystery/thriller books I mentioned yesterday are quite intense and I need something a bit different to balance those out.
I’ve also decided to take the plunge and join Lesley’s The Armchair Traveler Reading Challenge. I love to travel and I love books so that sounds like a perfect match. The challenge starts in July and goes through the end of December and requires you to read six books in which location is integral to the story. Best of all, at least for me because I tend to change my mind a lot, you can switch out books throughout the challenge.
For now here are my choices, and yes they are all from my stacks:
- A Year in Provence by Peter Mayle
- Holy Cow by Sarah Macdonald
- Duende by Jason Webster
- Scribbling the Cat by Alexandra Fuller
- A Year by the Sea by Joan Anderson
- The Hacienda by Lisa St. Aubin de Teran
Don’t even ask about Don Quixote. I’m still at page 100 or so. Well, there is always the weekend to try and catch up on reading right? That’s exactly what I’m going to do. Hope you have a great weekend!
I too love the fact that you can switch out the books.
I have found that I enjoy fantasy books–I will have to try and read more of them in the future! I think I probably won’t officially join anymore challenges for a while, since I am working on summer reading challenge books, but in the spirit of things I do want to read a book or two by a southern author, and I would love to fit in a travel narrative! There are just too many tempting things to read. I have been reading a chapter a day during the work week of DQ. I am hoping by next weekend I will have finished the first book (though the second book in DQ is actually longer). I am going really slow, but I’m sure otherwise it would end up being neglected! It’s hard to make yourself prioritize when you want to read everything!
I really enjoyed The Hacienda and A Year in Provence, Holy Cow not so much. I had a streak of reading a lot of travel writing some years ago and I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately after reading about this challenge. It’s brought back some good memories.
Ah, the challenges posed by challenges! I’m looking forward to Scribbling the Cat, as I liked Fuller’s earlier book–let’s compare notes! I like your Armchair Traveler choices 🙂
Stephanie – Exactly! I can be so fickle 🙂
Danielle – That’s been my surprise too! I didn’t join the Summer challenge this time around but it was hard not to. and, seriously I need to prioritze better, poor DQ is gathering dust!
Tara – You know, I’ve heard the same about Holy Cow. I guess I’ll give it a go anyway and see if it passes my 30 page rule 🙂
Gentle Reader – Ooh cool we’ll definitely have to compare notes. I thought her first book was good although I was alarmed a bit by the parents. Anyway looking forward to see what else happened.
You have some interesting book choices for the challenge; I’m looking forward to seeing what you think about them…
Have a great weekend!
Who knew there were so many challenges for readers. I suppose I qualify for the “chunkster” as I recently finished Middlemarch. Cool blog!
I was seriously thinking of doing the armchair traveling challenge, but given my DREADFUL track record, I think I’ll save myself the heartache.
Considering fantasy is not your normal reading fare, I think you did very well with the challenge, Iliana. I think you can count it as a success. 🙂
Like you, I have yet to start the Southern Reading Challenge and am trying to decide if I want to make that one of my next reads or pick something from another challenge.
Woohoo! Glad you joined up, Iliana!
I have Holy Cow set up as one of my choices for the Non-Fiction 5 – never really heard any reviews on it so now I’m a bit leery. Oh well, I’ll give it a go.
Oh, oh, I have “Duende” from way back when I first thought of Spain as one of my travel destination. It’s still on the list. And the flamenco thing – so romantic.
I also have “Holy Cow” on my shelves – but just never got around to it. I also thought I’ll read it when I am planning for an India trip.
I love travelogues. Hope you have fun on the Armchair Traveler Challenge! 🙂
I have Sun Shuyun’s “Ten Thousand Miles Without A Cloud” lined up for my Non-Fic FIve Challenge. Will post on it after I read it. It’s a spiritual travelogue of a sort, if you’re interested.
I’m so tempted to do this challenge, even though I’m trying to unchallenge myself. Travel memoirs are such fun. I can see three of them from where I’m seated! Argh! I’d better get off the computer and read. 🙂
Provence is funny. Enjoy
Until the last few months, fantasy and sci-fi weren’t my chosen genre. But I’ve really enjoyed what I’ve read. And I just keep buying more!!
The Armchair Traveler challenge sounds like fun. I may have to look into it!
Melissa – Hope you are having a great weekend too! Are you joining the challenge?
Special K – There are so many. I know someone has a blog that mentions all of them. It’s crazy – tempting of course 🙂 And, yes I’d say Middlemarchwould count.
Andi – I have yet to complete a challenge but I still join. Addictive!
Literary Feline – I picked up another book this weekend and of course it’s not one for the Southern Reading Challenge. This doesn’t bode well – ha,ha.
Lesley – Happy to join. We’ll have to compare notes on Holy Cow.
Dark Orpheus – I agree, the flamenco thing is so romantic. I cannot tell you how many years I’ve talked about taking a flamenco class! I do enjoy travelogues too. Are you joining the challenge? You should 😉
Nancy, aka Bookfool – Do it, do it! 🙂
Isabel – Oh I need a good funny book.
Stephanie – Now, that’s the scary part right? I never looked at that section before but now it’ll be fair game so more books for the stacks. Love it!
I’m so glad you joined in, even if you just missed finishing. I regret not getting over here much during the challenge. Yes, I’ve been busy, but I still regret it. I always enjoy your site. Hopefully I can be over more regularly now. Thanks again, I really appreciate your involvement.
I’m over halfway through the Summer Mystery Reading Challenge. I might consider the Armchair Travel Challenge as well since I’ve made plan to read more on that category, to set the mood for the upcoming getaway at the end of the year. That is a perfect match. 🙂
Carl V. – Ah, no worries! I know how crazy life can get. I’m just so excited that your challenged made me “discover” a whole new genre! And, I’m already counting down until the RIP challenge 🙂
Matt – Oh you should! I can already imagine what wonderful books you’ll select. And, where are you going at the end of the year? I’m sure it’s some exotic place! 🙂