Nightstand Archive

Some Reading Notes

I finally finished Ruth Hall by Fanny Fern, a reading group choice for the Slaves of Golconda. Despite the short chapters I found it took me a while to get through the book. Normally I’m very drawn to stories about women but this one ...Read More

Filling the Bookshelves

Part of the organizing that I meant to do today was to make room in the bookshelves for a few new books that I’ve received recently. Granted, I started looking at the books, looking through the TBR stacks, reminiscing about books I have read ...Read More

Sweetsmoke Giveaway

Hope everyone had a great weekend. I’ve been so busy with family visits and stuff that I’ve hardly opened up my books this weekend (gasp!) but today after I try to bring some order to our home, go grocery shopping and all of that, ...Read More