I hope you’ve all been doing great. I’ve been super busy at work lately and have also been dealing with some allergies so that’s left me with little to no motivation to blog and even my reading has been slow going. Then when you hear of all the awful news going on in the world you just want step away from the computer don’t you?
One very nice thing we’ve been able to do again though is go back outdoors. The summer heatwave we experienced was intense and even September was hot so it’s nice to start to see more normal temps and actually enjoy time outside. So recently we spent a morning at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.
We walked some of the trails and stopped to take photographs here and there. It’s always so fun to learn something new about a new plant or flower. For example, I stopped to look at some pretty yellow flowers and learned they are called, sneezeweed. What a name right? Maybe that’s what set off my allergies. Ha.
As far as reading goes, this weekend I’ve been focusing on The Mountain View Murder by Patrick Kelly which features a retired police officer who is enjoying his peaceful new home in the beautiful mountain resort only to be drawn into a suspicious death investigation among one of the well known community members.
I’m going to be discussing this one this coming week with my mystery book group so I need to hurry. I have to say I wouldn’t mind being in that beautiful mountain resort now and just relaxing with some books!
Anyway, that’s a bit of a recap of what’s been going on around here lately. The next couple of weeks will also be quite busy at work but hopefully I’ll get my blogging and reading mojo back soon. Thank you as always for stopping by and hope you are enjoying the fall with some good books of course.
I have to admit, hearing all the terrible news in the world actually makes me want to turn off my TV and computer and phone and just escape it all for awhile. Good luck with work and everything else this week!
The Wildflower Center must be a really neat place to visit. The TV news is too hard to take right now so it’s best to get out of the house. Glad your heatwave is over. And good luck with your work. Happy reading.
It has been a difficult few weeks, hasn’t it? Such heartbreak in the world… I’m not reading much right now, giving up on a few books here and there, hoping to settle into something that will hold my attention. I’m glad you are able to get outside now that the summer heat has gone away. We loved our time on Vancouver Island, but it was nice to come home to beautiful weather here, too. I remember driving past the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center on the way to Fredricksburg many years ago. I’ll bet it’s beautiful.
Take care, Iliana!
I hope you have gotten some relief from your allergies. I am glad you have been able to get outside more again. The temperatures here seem to be taking a turn for the cooler, which is nice. I love being able to keep the windows open–and I know the cats like it too. The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center sounds like a beautiful place to visit. I hope work is more of a steady busy for you rather than a crazy busy. Its the latter that always wears on me. Take care and have a great week!