Catching Up

You know what’s bad about devoting hours and hours to reading? Falling behind on laundry, cleaning, etc. I guess it doesn’t help that rather than catching up on those things here I am blogging instead. Ah well…..

I’ve got a couple of books going, both are proving very entertaining, but I’ll talk about those tomorrow. For now I leave you with some interesting tidbits I found.

Who wouldn’t want their own one-of-a-kind, signed book by Haruki Murakami. FYI – It’s not too early to start saving up for BookGirl’s birthday present – hee, hee.

Are you ready to give up television? This writer gave it up for 15 years. Just think of all the extra time for books! I watch some t.v. but try to limit my time.

How about book previews instead of book reviews? VidLit wants to bring stories to you via animated short excerpts narrated by the authors.

And, for tonight’s poetry section, here’s an assignment for you. Send a poetry ecard from the Poetry in Motion web site to your love, friend, or even to yourself. Just celebrate poetry.