Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and a great holiday. Ours was very low key but that was nice. I got to catch up with friends and family (phone calls), did a little bit of bookbinding, and of course a visit to the bookstore.
The weather was overcast so it was perfect for staying indoors with books and hobbies. My husband went for his usual bike ride and took this picture. You can definitely tell it’s spring here in Texas – aren’t those bluebonnets beautiful?
Actually for those of you who enjoy biking and travel, my husband loaded a video from our trip to Copenhagen a couple of years ago. He did a lot of biking while I relaxed with coffee and pastries. We were both in Heaven. Ha.
In bookish news, I had a coupon for B&N and couldn’t resist picking up A Grave Matter by Anna Lee Huber. I think I’m getting hooked on this series. I finally finished The Heart Has Its Reasons by Maria Duenas which I quite liked and I started a new audiobook The Keepsake by Tess Gerritsen.
The plans for this week are hopefully to get a couple of reviews written. I have bits written about various books and just need to get on with it before I totally forget! So what about you, what are you up to this week?
Aren’t the bluebonnets wonderful this year? All that rain. Have a good week!
I envy you Texans for your bluebonnets! I’ve got to get some reviews written this week, too. I also have errands to run and things I’ve procrastinated on to finish. And return my books to the library.
Those bluebonnets are beautiful! Speaking of weather, we’ve been getting some rain for the past few days. It’s strange since the weather suppose to be sunny during these months, but I suppose that changes too.
Hope you enjoy those books! 🙂
I am so glad that it is spring! It sure was a shorter winter this time but still, it’s so nice to see green grass and shining sun. Glad that you had a good holiday! You got some good books so hope that you can get some good reading done this week.
I registered for these creative workshops: http://art-xscape.com/
Pretty photo! Loved your husband’s video! Minneapolis has a lot of people who bike but nothing compared to Copenhagen. I love their bike lanes. Minneapolis is trying to get funding to do a few busy streets with the lanes outside of traffic like that but it turns out to be quite an expensive undertaking to change traffic flow and street design. Glad you had such a lovely weekend!
As a bike rider, I loved watching your husband’s video! We have lots of bike trails throughout Lincoln, but the bike paths downtown are terrible! Glad I don’t have to ride down there and can enjoy riding in the countryside without worrying about cars.
I miss those bluebonnets! Very pretty!
Ha, here is it Thursday and I still am not sure what to do with this week! I need to get back to reading because I don’t have any reviews to write and not sure what to post and need a book to be finished. 🙂 Happy April to you, Care