Oh friends what a week we had. It started off with a trip to the ER for my husband, thankfully, he is doing great but that was nerve-wracking. Then the rest of the week was just taken over by lots of stress at work. So this was the weekend that couldn’t get here soon enough!
I’ve been spending a lot of downtime. Taking naps, drinking hot chocolate, doing a bit of reading and not much else. Our house is a mess and my studio, well I can barely see my two work tables but I’m happy I’ve spent time relaxing. I needed that. There’s still quite a bit of Sunday left so I may actually start doing some work around my studio.
Unfortunately I haven’t filled up my shop with any new journals this season and I won’t have the chance to finish any new journals to add to my shop until the new year. I do have a little sale going on in case you are in need of some journals though, just enter “Happy2013” in the coupon code for a little discount.
On the reading front, I did finish Snow White Must Die by Nele Neuhaus so I hope to have a little review here soon. And, yesterday when we went to the bookstore I had to buy the latest RT Book Reviews magazine. There are several new to me mysteries mentioned and I am looking forward to reading more about those.
Anyway, I hope you’ve all been doing great and catch up with you soon!
Glad to hear your husband is okay now! A trip to the ER is never a good way to start the week. I hope you enjoy your time relaxing!
I am glad to hear that your husband is doing better! Sounds like you have had quite a week. I hope that everything settles down a bit and that this week is better for you!
How funny–I just wrote a post called “Catching Up”! Your life sounds more stressful though–hope your husband is feeling better. The ER–no one wants to end up there. Hope things calm down for you. In the meantime, hot chocolate sounds like a good idea!
Kailana – I know and I’m just the worst at medical stuff. So grateful he didn’t have to be admitted or anything. It’s been a relaxing weekend – yay!
Samantha – Thank you. I hope it settles down too. I hate it when other people are stressing out at work because sometimes I tend to take on others feelings. Ugh. Just need to breathe more 🙂
Lisa (bibliophiliac) – We must have been on the same wavelength! 🙂 Luckily the hot chocolate has been helping and here’s to hopefully a peaceful week ahead!
Glad things are ok… wow. I love downtime and reading and yeah… that laundry I meant to fold all day just didnt happen today 🙂
Oooh, don’t like ER things. My husband once about sliced his finger off and hit an artery and it was AWFUL. Blood everywhere, and the kids were young enough that they had to come with. I’ll never forget that day. I hope everything is OK with him now!!! And I think that life/house/work is destined to be chaotic right now.
Oh no! Glad your husband is ok, but gosh, how scary!
I am so glad your husband is okay. It sounds like your relaxing weekend was well deserved!
I just love your journals. I’m giving them away as gifts this year–little stocking stuffers. I’m sure they will be a big hit. 🙂
I’m glad your husband is okay! That does sound very nerve-wracking!!
Sheila (Book Journey) – Yea, I love downtime too. All the chores can wait another day can’t they!
Sandy – Oh that sounds awful! I told my husband I needed extra Christmas presents after that scare! And, you are right, it’s the season for crazy time isn’t it!
Stefanie – Thank you! I was pretty freaked out but luckily he is fine – we were fearing appendicitis.
Literary Feline – Thank you again for stopping by my shop! I hope the recipients will enjoy them 🙂
Rebecca H. – Me too! I’m no good with medical stuff – even regular check ups and I start to panic! Yikes. Must practice more yoga.
Oh my gosh, glad your hubby is okay. That is very scary. I hope you find some time to relax and that this week is better!
Bookworm – Thank you so much! He’s doing great and the good thing is this week work has been better. Good luck with your finals!