It’s been hard for me to concentrate on a book these past few days. I keep checking the news. What is happening in the wake of Katrina? Is my dear friend who lives in New Orleans okay? Are some of my blog friends who live out there okay? I send you good vibes. I’m thinking of you.
I am also finding it hard to journal. Again, lack of concentration. So tonight I went to a creative journaling meeting and I’m so glad I did. The facilitator had flash cards, tarot cards, quotes, basically, anything that could be used as a writing prompt. The exercises were timed and afterwards we could share our writing with each other.
Some writing prompts led me to writing about silly things that made me laugh, but others kind of caught me by surprise. This was definitely what I needed though because I found myself letting go and enjoying the words as they filled the blank pages. It reminded me again of how much I enjoy doing this.
Before you think I won’t mention any books in this post let me recommend some books to those of you who enjoy journaling. Living Out Loud by Keri Smith, Leaving A Trace by Alexandra Johnson, and Drawing from Life: The Journal as Art by Jennifer New.
Let me know if you have some books that you recommend. I would love to add some more to my collection.