Brief Update

Hello Friends – Thank you so much for all your sweet messages and comments. I’m happy to report that my mom was released from the hospital on Sunday and she’s home. She did have a partial hip replacement so she has a long road to recovery but with PT and patience hopefully she’ll be feeling stronger each day.

I’m so thankful for all the emotional support I’ve had from my husband and friends and family. I’m exhausted but just so grateful to be home. We’re still finding our routine with these new circumstances but just have to keep positive.

Now to shift over to a bit of book talk. My reading has been zero lately. Which is not at all like me at all and it’s not that I don’t want to read but I’ve had no time or energy. Aside from taking care of my mom, I’m also working so needless to say I’m exhausted. Again, I’m hoping that as we get settled into a new routine I will start to find pockets of time when I can catch up on reading and some self-care.

I have lots to tell you about like new books, book reviews and a bunch of other bookish things but I did want to say that the next post will be my end of year review and favorites. We can’t miss that post right? I love a yearly recap and do look forward to reading yours as well. So take care and I’ll be back with some book talk soon!

  1. December 29, 2021
  2. December 29, 2021
  3. December 29, 2021
  4. December 29, 2021
  5. December 30, 2021
  6. January 2, 2022
  7. January 10, 2022