I had a coupon from Barnes & Noble that I put to good use last week and today my little box of books arrived. Isn’t it fun to get new books in the mail?
I got Journal Revolution which is a follow-up to Visual Chronicles (a book I look to for inspiration all the time). As I finally cleared my craft table this past weekend it’ll be nice to actually be able to see my supplies and have some fun journaling.
My other books were from the Barnes & Nobles Classic editions, Great Expectations by Charles Dickens (yes, this is for the Year of Reading Dangerously challenge) and Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse. For now they go on the dangerously, close-to-coming-down-on-me stacks of unread books.
Anyway, remember I had recently mentioned that I discovered Unshelved? Well this weekend I was catching up on my reading of it and I saw the winning entries for the Pimp My Bookcart contest. If you haven’t seen checked it out, you have to. It’s great stuff.
Clearing the clutter from a craft and/or sewing room is a deeply satisfying activity. At least when you finish, you are pretty proud of yourself and ready for that new project. I haven’t read these particular journaling books, but they sound good.
I hope you enjoy Great Expectations and Siddhartha! Two very different lengths and styles, and each one appropriate.
Think I’ll check check out the rest of your links…
just wondering, have you given the many challenges any more thought? herman hesse is a nobel prize winner. please please please post your review on the read nobels site when you’re done! would love to hear your views!
I miss getting boxes of books in the mail…sigh. Love the bookcarts! Maybe I should do something like that to mine at work! 🙂
That journal revoultion book looks cool. And those book carts are wonderful! Very creative. People went all out.
I need to secure my copy of Great Expectations!!! Yay! I’m so excited to re-read it. It’ll be good to revisit my beloved Estella. Maybe I’ll go to Books-a-Million this afternoon and get a shiny, pretty, pristine new copy. Ooh!
Jenclair – It is indeed! I feel so motivated to start crafting again. Plus now that I’m taking my bookbinding class I really want to practice more at home.
Aloi – Oh I haven’t yet.. Still trying to figure out which ones I can actually do but I promise that when I do review these I’ll post on the Read the Nobles. Such a great idea.
Danielle – I know, I’ve been trying to be good too 🙂 And, you should totally try your hand at the pimp my bookcart contest. I’m trying to figure out if I can talk one of the librarians at my local library to do it. How fun.
Stefanie – Unfortunately sometimes my problem with those books though is that they have such great ideas that I get a bit overwhelmed by all of the ideas and I don’t do anything! ha,ha… Good thing that only lasts a bit.
Andi – It’ll be my first time reading it! I’m very excited 🙂
I’m going off to the bookstore with all these coupons as well – a Borders personal shopping day discount, a birthday coupon, and this 30% coupon from last week’s receipt. Yay!
I have to think about books for the Dangerous challenge as well. But Charles Dickens and Herman Hesse would be great authors for it. Stay tuned. 🙂
Oh…Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Matt – Looks like you’ve got some wonderful plans 🙂 Yep, both of those are going on my dangerous reading list. Agh, what am I getting into! ha,ha. Happy Thanksgiving to you too!