Another good mail day at Casa Bookgirl. I got my little box from Barnes & Noble today and these are the goodies that arrived:
- Lady Susan by Jane Austen. This one is for the next Slaves of Golconda discussion.
- Under the Dragon’s Tail by Maureen Jennings. Book two in the Inspector Murdoch series.
- Poor Tom is Cold by Maureen Jennings. Book three in the Murdoch series.
- Let Loose the Dogs by Maureen Jennings. Book four in the Murdoch series. Can you tell I really liked the first book or what? I do hope these will live up to my expectations.
- Astonishing Splashes of Colour by Clare Morrall. I loved her book Natural Flights of the Human Mind so I wanted to read more by her. Plus, it was a bargain book so you can’t beat that.
I also got The Ghost at the Table by Suzanne Berne, from a recent mooch. I can’t wait to start some of my new books but I’ve got quite a few others going on right now. Who knows maybe I’ll finish one tonight.
I really enjoyed Astonishing Splashes of Colour which is why I keep trying to fit in Natural Flights of the Human Mind. But there always seems to be something else that manages to nudge it off the top of the stacks. Hopefully soon, though.
I may have to check out that Murdoch series next time I’m at the store.
Now I know why you don’t sleep. I bet I know what you will do when you retire! keep up on your eye exams.
I already have Maureen Jennings on my author list, but it looks as if I mignt need to move her up a notch! 🙂 I like the titles of the Clare Morall books, too.
I have been waiting and waiting for my copy of Lady Susan to arrive…I suspect Amazon has forgotten about me!
It’s such a pleasure to receive book orders. Yummy! I hope you enjoy your reads. And I’m definitely going to look into the Inspector Murdoch series – sounds good.
I’ve always been fascinated by Astonishing Splashes of Color, but I haven’t actually picked it up yet. Keep us posted!
Tanabata – Isn’t that always the case? 🙂 Hope you enjoy it when you do get to it.
SciFiChick – I couldn’t find any of her books at my local bookstores so I had to order them. Hope you find one and you’ll have to let me know what you think.
Isabel – Hee,hee… By the way, I didn’t finish a book but I did stay up so freakin’ late. I’ve been avoiding everyone today. ha,ha.
Jenclair – Yes, do! 🙂 Ms. Morall does come up with some good titles doesn’t she?
Heather T. – Oh that’s not good. They were late with one of my orders and I complained and got a gift certificate for $10. Reach out to them and see what’s up….
Amelia – Thank you! I can’t wait to start that second book in the series.
Lady Susan is on my list for the next round of shopping. I’m frantically looking for Sentimental Education, which I haven’t had any luck. I’m also getting Kitchen Boy. Happy reading. 🙂
I’m looking forward to getting to Lady Susan — I can’t wait to hear what people think about it.
I found Lady Susan at the bookstore–I was quite surprised as I thought they wouldn’t have it. I will have to check out Maureen Jennings, too!
Andi – You betcha 🙂
Matt – I hope you find it! Sentimental Education? I’m blanking out on the author… Good luck anyway 🙂
Dorothy W. – I’m so excited about reading it. You know what surprised me though, it’s such a slim book! Great, now having said that watch me not finish it in time. heh.
Danielle – Lucky you! I love my local book stores but really their selection leaves much to be desired. That’s another reason why I shop at used book stores a lot more.
WOW! It looks like you love that author. My book reading has slowed down, since I am back among the living. And, I look around and have 5 books from the library and lots and lots of books I own that I need to read. I wanna buy something and cannot justify it.
Have a great weekend.