Our internet connection has been messed up this weekend so I am having to take a little blog break. I hope we get everything sorted soon. I guess I could think of this as more time to read! Heh.
I miss blog hopping and can’t believe I missed out on the Sunday Salon. Hopefully all will be back on track soon. Or maybe I’ll just go camp out at the public library this week and use their internet.
Having a forced hiatus from blogging has a much different feel than a voluntary one, that’s for sure! I hope your internet is back up and running soon. But yes, at least you should get some more reading time in!
I agree with Lesley, having a forced blog break is different entirely from one you take voluntarily. Hope everything is sorted out soon.
I hope you get everything straightened out soon. I know that’s frustrating.
I was once without a connection for a fortnight; it was only then that I realised how much I depend on being able to keep in touch with everyone. Let’s hope this is much more temporary.
Nuts! How frustrating.
Hope it’s all fixed soon. We’ll miss ya in the meantime!
I hope you are back online soon! I need to catch up on last week’s posts.
Good way to make use of your unofficial office space. Hope there are no more hiccups to your connection. Can’t imagine NOT having the net now, after being on it for so long. 😉
Enjoy some good reading while you’re offline. Hope you’re back on soon. 🙂
Thanks so much everyone! We finally got a new modem and are back up and running.