Reading in Bed by Sue Gee
“There they go, two clever women of sixty, making their way through the wet towards the car. They’ve been to a literary festival; now they are going home: Dido to York, and Jeffrey; Georgia to London, and an empty house. Clouds roll back over the hills: it’s clearing.â€
The story of two life-long friends opens with this wonderful scene, which a reader can’t help but wishing they were a part of. Being in the car with them discussing the writers they’ve met and heard at the festival, but soon enough as the story of their life unfolds we see that life is rarely as one wishes it to be.
Georgia has caring friends, book clubs to attend, a daughter she worries about but nothing takes her mind away from the fact that she is a widow. She loves her husband, she wonders why he is not there and she still expects that he’ll come back to his studio.
Dido is sweet-tempered and has her hands full with grandchildren, planning holidays and giving thanks for her husband who is of late becoming withdrawn. Her life has seemed so perfect almost but there are cracks and she’s trying to hold it all together and not say anything as if by silence she can will things to be fine but soon she’ll have to confront her problems.
Both women have some serious crises on their hands, a loved one who’s life may be in danger, children whose lives seem misguided, health issues and other strains but through it all they learn to rely on friendship and books to get them through life’s setbacks. There are lots of literary references sprinkled throughout the story so that alone is fun to read.
Despite this mainly being the story of the two women, a few other characters also feature prominently and unfortunately sometimes I just wanted to keep reading about Dido and Georgia and not so much from the other characters’ point of view.
Still I enjoyed the story because I found it easy to relate to, maybe not specific situations but just the unpredictability of life. No matter how well structured you may have your life or goals, changes come out at you some good and some not so good. Luckily for us this novel reminds us that love and friendship can get us through the rough moments.
This is my second Sue Gee book. I read The Hours of the Night a couple of years ago and like that one quite a bit. How about you, have you read any of her books?
I was lucky enough to be sent a review copy of this a couple of years ago. (That means there should be another book out by Gee sometime soon Good, I love her.) It arrived at a time when the Higher Education Institute for which I then worked was going through a very similar situation to the one described here in relation to Dido’s husband. I found that fascinating and I thought he (initially) got off very lightly. He’d have had a much harder time if he’s worked with us.
I’ve not read any of her books, and like thousands of other authors like her, want to get there at some point. Great review!
I haven’t read any of her books. However, I’d like to read this one. I just read “I’m So Happy for You” where the friends aren’t really friends. I’d like to read this to compare friendships. Thanks!
I’ve been waiting for your review of this book! It sounds like it is enjoyable. I’ll have to keep my eye out for it.
Table Talk – Ooh I bet that made the book that much more interesting! 🙂 I do really like Gee’s style and plan to read more by her. I wonder if she has a new book out now. Should look for that!
Sandy – I know what you mean! I do recommend her and I think she’s going to be one of those writers I go to for when I want a good, comfort read.
Amy Reads Good Books – I just saw a snippet about that book somewhere and am so intrigued! Have you already reviewed that one? I need to catch up on your blog 🙂
Stefanie – It was very enjoyable and I think the whole “friends who like books” aspect is what really sold it for me 🙂
I haven’t read anything by this author but would like to give her a try one day.
I havent read this author before, but this does sound good 🙂
This sounds so very good.Love the passage you sited…sucked me in; must see if i can get this one; thanks so much
Stephanie – I hope you will! This one was good, maybe not as good as The Hours of the Night but I still liked it a lot!
bookworm – Yay, glad you like the sound of it and hope you’ll give her a try! 🙂
diane – Isn’t that a great passage? I would love to go to a literary festival with a friend. We’d probably never leave the festival! haha..
I’m like the others; I haven’t read anything by this author but it sounds good! I’ll have to check it out. Thanks for the lovely review, Iliana! 🙂
Melody – I hope you get to read one of her books one day! 🙂
I haven’t read her books but after this thoughtful review, it’s going to change very soon. Does the book take place on just a day?
I read her The Mysteries of Glass and Loved it. It was one of my favorite reads of the year. I’ve wanted to try some of her other work but wasn’t sure which to try next. I will have to look for this one, too!
This sounds interesting. I haven’t heard of this book or this author, but I’ll have to keep it in mind. I really like the cover.
Matt – No, the story develops over the course of months so it’s good to see what hapens with the friends and you do have a resolution. It’s really enjoyable.
Danielle – I have that book waiting for me and I am looking forward to it. I need to find out what other books she has!
Anna – The cover is so pretty isn’t it? I hope you do give it a try!
This sounds like a great book for book lovers. I like when books refer to other books during the story. Sometimes it adds to my TBR!
Oooh!!! I want this book!! I don’t think I’ve ever seen it at my bookstore. I’ll have to double-check tomorrow. If not, it’s going on my wishlist!! Sounds just like my kind of book. Thanks, Iliana!
I believe this is the first time I’ve ever heard of this author. It sounds like an interesting friendship story though.