Blog Tour: Karen E. Olson

One series I’ve gotten quite hooked on is Karen Olson’s Annie Seymour series. Annie is a sassy and smart New Haven journalist who gets up to a lot of antics in this mystery series. I started reading this series last year when Karen was doing a blog tour and have really enjoyed getting to know her characters. I’m excited that Karen is stopping by my blog today as part of her latest blog tour. Her newest book, SHOT GIRL, is just out and it’s another exciting entry in the series. Watch for my review soon. In the meantime, read up on how Karen’s latest book got its cover:

karen_headshot.jpgOn more than one occasion, I’ve visited this blog and seen Iliana’s beautiful books that she creates. The pages inside are blank, but it is the cover that makes me want to open one and see what I can put inside.

Book covers are so important. An author will write a book and then will be on pins and needles wondering just what sort of cover the publisher will decide on for it. A reader will wander a bookstore and covers, not the words, will catch their eye. The covers must “pop,” as my editor so aptly puts it, so someone will reach up and take the book off the shelf.

I remember getting that first book cover from my editor. I saw the subject line in my email and quickly clicked on the attachment. The cover for SACRED COWS was so perfect, so simply perfect, with its cow and gun and beautiful typestyle against the palest of yellow. I fell in love with it immediately.

Because publishers like to keep the book covers in a series looking the same so readers will be able to distinguish it from another, SECONDHAND SMOKE’s cover followed suit with blue this time and the flames. Again, I loved it.

But I was faced with something different for DEAD OF THE DAY. I was with a new publisher, even though I was still working with the same editor on the same series, and the publisher wanted to give the series a new look. The first cover that I received just wasn’t right. It didn’t convey the feeling of the book in the right way, and my editor was kind enough to humor me. The cover that they came up with the second time around was exactly right, better than the other two, in my opinion.

shotgirl.jpgAnd now there’s SHOT GIRL, Annie Seymour’s fourth adventure. And this cover is my favorite. It is in keeping with DEAD OF THE DAY, and the bullet hole in glass is the best touch. I love that the girl on the cover is mysteriously pretty, that the man behind her has his back to her. When you read the book, you’ll be able to tell right away why this cover is perfect for this story.

I know people who buy books based on the covers. I like a nice cover, but I’ve only really bought one book because the cover grabbed me. It was ONE RED PAPERCLIP, and it was a plain white cover with a small, raised red paperclip on the cover. That was it. Simple and intriguing. I bought the book and loved it.

Have you ever bought a book based on the cover?


** Thank you Karen for stopping by my blog and telling us about the whole book cover experience. I know, I can definitely be lured to a book by a pretty cover. And, yes, I think SHOT GIRL’s cover is just right!

**SHOT GIRL is the fourth book in the Annie Seymour series. You can also find out more about Karen’s upcoming blog tour stops and other projects by checking out her website, and her blog

  1. November 10, 2008
  2. November 10, 2008
  3. November 10, 2008
  4. November 10, 2008
  5. November 10, 2008
  6. November 10, 2008
  7. November 10, 2008
  8. November 10, 2008
  9. November 10, 2008
  10. November 11, 2008
  11. November 11, 2008
  12. November 11, 2008