Thank goodness for Litlove’s meme because blogging has been hard for me this week. It’s not that I don’t want to blog or visit, but lately work has been super busy so that’s left me with less free time and energy. Plus, I’m starting to freak out as I’ve got family coming in town next week and then I’m on vacation. I can’t wait for vacation but I still have to prepare for it. It’s going to be crazy at Casa Bookgirl.
Anyway, this weekend I plan to choose my books for the reading challenges I’m joining so hopefully I’ll be sharing those soon. Have a wonderful weekend and on to the meme:
List some of your favourite words: clandestine, azure, moxie, bohemian, hullabaloo
What’s your favourite maxim or proverb? In Mexico we use proverbs a lot so I have several I like but this is my favorite as my mom is always saying it to me because I’m so much like my dad.
De tal palo, tal astilla (a chip off the old block)
What’s your favourite quotation? The aim of life is to live, and to live means to be aware, joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware. ~ Henry Miller
What’s your favourite first line of a novel? We came on the winds of the carnival. A warm wind for February, laden with the hot greasy scents of frying pancakes and sausages and powdery-sweet waffles cooked on the hotplate right there by the roadside, with the confetti sleeting down collars and cuffs and rolling in the gutters like an idiot antidote to winter. From Chocolat by Joanne Harris (I know that’s two lines but I couldn’t resist adding the second).
Give an example of a piece of description that’s really pleased you in your reading lately: I really liked how Anita Brookner describes the Hotel Du Lac. It’s not just a description of the building but what the hotel signifies. “The Hotel du Lac (Famille Huber) was a stolid and dignified building, a house of repute, a traditional establishment, used to welcoming the prudent, the well-to-do, the retired, the self-effacing, the respected patrons of an earlier era of tourism…. In this way the hotel was known as a place which was unlikely to attract unfavourable attention, a place guaranteed to provide a restorative sojourn for those whom life had mistreated or merely fatigued.”
Which five writers do you particularly admire for their use of language? Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Pablo Neruda, Kazuo Ishiguro, Margaret Atwood, and Sandra Cisneros
And are there writers whose style you really dislike? Cormac McCarthy, Martin Amis, and Alice Walker
What’s the key to really fine writing, in your opinion? Creating believable characters
Oh what fantastic answers! I love the quotations – you’ve really made me want to go and reread that Brookner novel. And I’ve never heard of Sandra Ciseros and will have to track her down now! And yes, hullaballoo is a wonderful word.
I like azure. Even the look of it is fun. And Bohemian – a word that always conjures up Johnny Depp in my head.
Alice Walker? Really? *Laughs*
I agree with your list of writers whose writing you love, and with McCarthy on the list of authors you don’t — I haven’t read Alice Walker and should someday, just to see what she’s about, but now I’m curious about why you don’t like her style!
That’s a fascinating meme… I guess I should put Chocolat (loved the movie, never read the book) on my TBR list, huh?
You don’t like McCarthy’s style!?! I think he has become my favorite author. Oh well, we all have our different opinions and that’s what makes each persons blog interesting!
All great answers. Hotel Du Lac arrived a few days ago so I will have that for my trip and looking forward to reading that!
Definitely gotta do this meme, too. I’ve read some great stuff lately that I can plug in there. 🙂
Litlove – I hope you do get to read Sandra Cisneros, wonderful poet and her fiction work is great too. Thank you again for the fun meme.
Dark Orpheus – Hmm, anything that conjures up Johnny Depp is a good thing 🙂 Oh and do you like Alice Walker? Sorry!
Dorothy W. – It’s been such a long time since I tried to read one of her books. I just found it tedious.
Melissa – You should! It’s such a great book. I haven’t gotten around to reading the sequel which just came out this year. I thought it was perfect as it was and didn’t really need another follow up so we’ll see.
Matt – Darn. I knew was going to pick on someone’s favorite author. I should say that like Alice Walker, McCarthy is another writer who I haven’t read in forever. Perhaps I would like him now.
Christine – I think it’ll be a perfect book for your vacation. Lots of reflection and just a good story.
Andi – Yay. I’m glad you are going to do it too. I’ll pop over later and check 🙂
Kazuo Ishiguro and Margaret Atwood for sure would be on my list as well. The rest of the meme questions will take me a bit of time to answer, as I’ll have to go through my reading journal. 🙂
Have a great weekend.
Thank you, enjoyed reading this very much.
Ooh…I love your favourite first line. That was what drew me into the book in the first place. My other favourite line is “Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again.” from Rebecca.
No worries about Alice Walker. 🙂 I only read “The Color Purple” this year, and I love it. Each to their own.
Very interesting responses. I love the quote you picked, and I agree that believable characters are essential to good writing.
Not a big fan of Alice Walker’s either, though I did enjoy The Color Purple. Love your answers!
Matt – I just read your answers. those were great!
Tatiana de R. – Glad you enjoyed it!
Kisane – Mmm, Rebecca has a wonderful beginning. Good one.
Dark Orpheus – Ah, see I haven’t read The Color Purple. I did like the movie a lot 🙂
Nymeth – It’s hard to pick a favorite quote but that one is one of my all time favorites.
Gentle Reader – I’m beginning to think I should give Alice Walker another try 🙂 At least The Color Purple. I am totally blanking out right now on the title of the book I read. Obviously not a good memory. ha.ha.
That was fun! I like your list of favorite words. And I love your quotation.
I agree–that’s a great first line from Chocolat. Doesn’t it set a perfect picture in your mind?!
Really fun to read your answers to this meme. Loved your favorite quote.
Stefanie – I need to find ways to incorporate those words in everyday speech. Especially, hullabaloo. That just sounds so fun.
Danielle – I know, I want to be there! Although I admit now when I think of Chocolat images of Johnny Depp also pop up which is not a bad thing at all of course 😉
booklogged – It’s definitely one of my favorite quotes too. I know I’ve written it in several of my journals to remind myself of living big!