A Little Catch Up

I hope you’ve been having a great week. I can’t believe how quickly we are approaching the holiday season. For us this will be another quiet holiday season as we won’t have family visiting and we won’t be traveling either. I do hope that I’ll finally have some dedicated time to read.

Speaking of which, last weekend we went to a local bakery for coffee and treats. At first I was all excited because they have a huge room and there was only one other couple and far away from my husband and I so I thought, we can enjoy our time here. As usual, we had books and magazines to read but as soon as we got settled we realized the music was so loud.

I am pretty good about tuning out cafe noises and chatter but it’s hard to tune out Rick James singing “Super Freak” and then followed by Donna Summer’s “Hot Stuff“. I like these songs and can sing right along, but I was planning to read! So we quickly finished our goodies and returned home.

Anyway, that was my funny moment from last weekend. This week I’ve just not been feeling inspired to blog and have done very little reading. I think it’s just that I’m thinking of the holidays and can’t help but feel a bit blah. But, I’m going to make the most of it and maybe start doing a bit of decorating, shopping for presents (myself included of course – haha), and we’ll try another coffeeshop visit soon.

I do want to recommend this latest issue from World Literature Magazine. Isn’t that a lovely cover? I’ve glanced through it and marked some titles that I must add to my wishlist. If you love translated books then check this one out.

  1. November 18, 2021
  2. November 22, 2021
  3. November 24, 2021
  4. November 30, 2021