Well, I had to return A Bad Day for Sorry to the library as it was due and I just wasn’t really getting into the story. It’s not fair really as I only read a few pages of it but I know it was more of my mood. I know some of you have liked it so I will check it out another time. And, no, I didn’t go to book group after all. I hate being the one person who doesn’t read the book. I don’t want to make others feel like they can’t talk about the ending on my account.
So I’m back on a library ban as my bookshelves are overflowing, but I made an exception as I needed to pick up a book for my other mystery book group. The group meets next week and we are reading Cop Hater by Ed McBain. Haven’t read any McBain. Have you?
Over the weekend we also got to see Handmade Nation and if you are a crafter then this is a must for you. I loved the film. I loved seeing and listening to some artists and crafters whose work I’ve admired for ages (even before Etsy) and the film also featured a bookbinder. Love it!
What else? I did finish a couple of books, finally. Already March is looking like a better reading month than February.
Last but not least, we hung out at our new date night location, Barnes & Noble. I had a yummy vanilla latte and made notes of books I want to get (you can see that my husband also carries around a little journal). I was looking for the latest Mystery Scene magazine but they didn’t have it out yet.
Now I’m off to select a new book.
I haven’t been borrowing any books lately though I’ve a book to return this Friday! 😛
I haven’t read anything by Ed McBain but I loved the sound of that title! I’m glad to hear March is a better reading month for you, Iliana. I think I’d only read 3 books last month, which is not good since my average is at least 5-6 books/month. Oh well.
Hope you have a great week! 🙂
The only borrowing I’ve done is audios, because of my TBR Dare. But April 1st is just around the corner, and I am ready and loaded for bear! I think date night at a bookstore sounds fabulous. Unfortunately I think my husband would be terrified to take me there for fear of the financial repercussions!
I’m running out of time on a couple books I borrowed from the university library so I have to get on those. I hope your new date night bookstore turns out to be good!
Oooh, ooh, I didn’t know about Handmade Nation. I totally have to see it now!!! Thanks for enabling. I love documentaries almost as much as books.
I waited until the last minute to start a library book and then found I like it so much I had to keep it to finish it. It is now several days overdue and I am racking up a fine–very bad of me! I’ve not yet read Ed McBain, so I look forward to hearing what you have to say about it!
sorry A Bad Day for Pretty didnt work out. date night sounds fun 🙂
I love the picture you post here… so serene, peaceful. I myself practically LIVE at a big Chapters bookstore — no kidding, I go to it after work most days of the week… and on weekends.
The idea of a date-night at a big bookstore — “avec cafe” as the French might add — sounds perfect!
I went to a Border’s and picked up 3 books and 1 magazine. The cafe’ has been shut down already.
Is the B&N in the same neighborhood as your old Borders hangout?
Glad you found a new bookstore for your date nights. The notebook is a really good idea. I used to carry a small one in my purse to write down book ideas…not sure what happened to it.
I’ve never read McBain, so I’m curious to see what you think of him!