Eclipse arrived in my mailbox today and my husband brought home a bag of dark chocolate peanut M&Ms. I don’t think there’s anything else to do or write about tonight but indulge in these two things don’t you think?
Actually I’ll finally post my answers to the Meme of Four that The Duck Thief tagged me with recently. I know I did one of these a while back but I’ll try to come up with some other answers.
Four jobs I’ve had or currently have in my life:
1. Receptionist at a foreign language school
2. Public relations associate
3. Spanish/English translator
4. Human resources coordinator
Four countries I have been to:
1. Czech Republic
2. Belgium
3. Austria
4. England
Four places I’d rather be right now:
1. Cancun
2. Berlin
3. John C. Campbell Folk School
4. Book shopping
Four foods I like to eat:
1. Migas
2. Paella
3. Omeletes
4. Chocolate chip cookies
I won’t be tagging anyone because I know this one has been going around a while and Eclipse is calling my name.
If you ever make it to the John C. Campbell Folk School, let me know. This has been on my Wish List of things to do for several years now, and I regularly read the offerings and “make plans” about the courses I want to take. Although my choices have varied somewhat over the last couple of years, I would still love to take a class with Akira Blount (my favorite doll maker), or a gardening, quilting, or book arts class. Just being at the school and in the lovely setting would almost be reward enough!
My copy of Eclipse is on its way. It should arrive in the next couple of days. I’m hoping to get it before the weekend so I can spend Saturday doing a proper book binge. 😉
I got Eclipse yesterday, and I’m so engrossed in Colette Gale’s erotic Phantom of the Opera retelling that I couldn’t drag myself away last night!!! Shock! But, I’m sure I’ll finish the Gale tonight or tomorrow and start Eclipse posthaste!
I got my copy of Eclipse today! Woo hoo! I’m so excited! I can’t wait to raed it!
See? I’m so excited I can’t even type read correctly! 😉
Jenclair – I know what you mean about the classes. While my main interest is bookbinding I can’t help but want to try some others. I’m trying to go next year, even if it’s just for a workshop so I will definitely let you know!
Sassymonkey – I was going to wait until the weekend to start to do a proper book binge but I couldn’t resist so I started last night. Enjoy your copy when it gets there.
Andi – Ooh I think I can see why you might be postponing Eclipse 🙂
Heather – It’s perfectly understandable… The excitement over Eclipse is just too much isn’t it 😉
The Tex-Mex version of Migas on Wikipedia sounds very similar to the way I cook huevos rancheros. I learned how to make it from a former roommate who was Mexican, and she made it the way her grandmother makes it. Either way, yum yum!!
Love your wish lists!
Aw man! I may have to break my library or book buying ban for this. Can’t wait to hear how you like it.
I had never heard of the John C. Campbell Folk School, but it is only about 2 hours from where I live. It looks like a wonderful, peaceful place with such interesting classes. I would love to take a writing class there (she says dreamily). Maybe my hubby would treat me when I finish my dissertation…
That folk school sounds wonderful–I had not heard of it before. Another place I can wish to go to…I plan on getting Eclipse–just not sure when. I know if I go and buy the book I will set everything else aside, and I am trying to concentrate on finishing a few other books first. So I am trying hard to resist temptation. I wonder if it will be as good as the first (the second was pretty good, but the first is still my favorite). Hope you are having fun reading it. And I’m right there with you on those chocolate chip cookies!! 🙂
This meme has traveled around the world and made it back. It’s interesting to see how about half of my blogroll is posting this one.
Czech Republic, Belgium and Austria all sound very nice, especially Austria. Europe is the one continent, besides Africa, I haven’t really explored.
dark chocolate peanut M&Ms, yum!
Alisia – The migas I like are the Tex-Mex version because they come closest to the way my grandma makes them. I would love some right now 🙂
Isabel – Me too 🙂
Nancy – I’m half way through it and some parts are good but some parts have annoyed me. The verdict is still out on this one.
Kelly – Ooh lucky you being so close! Don’t their classes sound great? I’m trying to go next year.
Danielle – I set everything else aside to read Eclipse so yes be sure you want to do that if you get it. ha,ha… So far Twilight is also my favorite one.
Matt – I know and I’ve already posted it once before. Austria was lovely – it’s been 7 years or so since I’ve been there though. I would love to go again that’s for sure especially to Salzburg.
Gentle Reader – I finished the bag! They were yummy!
The Folk School sounds intriguing and the migas delish. Haven’t heard of either one before.